



研究領域: 調查設計與資料分析、統計計算、缺失資料分析

Email : shhsieh at gate.sinica.edu.tw

電話 : 02-2789-8167

  1. Shu-Hui Hsieh, Pier Francesco Perri, Adrian Hoffmann, 2024, “Prevalence Estimates for COVID-19-Related Health Behaviors Based on the Cheating Detection Triangular Model”, BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 24:2523, 1-17. (SCIE) (IF: 4.5; SCI ranking: 31.9%)

  2. Martin T. Lukusa, Pier Francesco Perri, Shu-Hui Hsieh*, accepted, “Adjusting self-protective and nonresponse behaviors in sensitive prevalence estimation by a two-stage multilevel randomized response technique”, INTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL REVIEW. (SCIE) (IF: 2; SCI ranking: 27.2%)

  3. 涂妙如、謝淑惠、吳志文、周麗端,accepted,〈父母婚姻滿意度、親職效能感與幼兒情緒調節能力之關聯:以父母正向回應教養為中介變項〉,《中華心理衛生學刊》。(TSSCI)

  4. 陳鴻嘉、謝淑惠、張鑑如,accepted,〈建立樣本流失檢視流程: 以臺灣幼兒發展調查資料庫為例〉,《調查研究–方法與應用》。(TSSCI)

  5. 涂妙如、謝淑惠、江明珊、程景琳,2023,〈父母恥感教養、幼兒恥感與其社會行為之關聯:以臺灣三歲幼兒為研究對象〉,《當代教育研究季刊》,31(2), 45-90。(Scopus, TSSCI)

  6. 吳志文、謝淑惠、張鑑如、程景琳,2022,〈COVID-19疫情下的家庭氣氛:家長的情緒調節、焦慮與適應,以及兒童情緒經驗的關聯性〉,《調查研究–方法與應用》,49, 47-90。(TSSCI)

  7. Shu-Hui Hsieh and Pier Francesco Perri, 2022, “A logistic regression extension for the randomized response simple and crossed models: Theoretical results and empirical evidence”, SOCIOLOGICAL METHODS & RESEARCH, 51(3), 1244-1281. (SSCI) (IF: 4.677; SSCI ranking: 15.1%,12%)

  8. Shu-Hui Hsieh, Shen-Ming Lee, and Chin-Shang Li, 2022, “A two-stage multi-level randomized response technique with proportional odds models and missing covariates”, SOCIOLOGICAL METHODS & RESEARCH, 51(1), 439-467. (SSCI) (IF: 4.677; SSCI ranking: 15.1%,12%)

  9. Shu-Hui Hsieh and Martin Tshishimbi Lukusa, 2021, “Comparison of estimators for multi-level randomized response data: evidence from a case of sexual identity”, FIELD METHODS, 33, 85-103. (SSCI, Scopus) (IF: 1.782; SSCI ranking: 36.6%,59.8%)

  10. Shu-Hui Hsieh and Pier Francesco Perri, 2021, “Estimating the proportion of non-heterosexuals in Taiwan using Christofi des' randomized response model: a comparison of different estimation methods”, SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH, 93,1-13. (SSCI) (IF: 2.617; SSCI ranking: 38.7%)

  11. 謝淑惠、李名鏞,2020,〈監測訪問時間的調查品質管制程序〉,《調查研究—方法與應用》,第44期,頁7-39。(TSSCI)

  12. 謝淑惠、詹大千、 劉雪涵、傅仰止,2018,〈大型面訪調查的抽樣架構變革:從戶籍抽樣到地址抽樣〉,《中國統計學報》,56(4), 75-97。

  13. 謝淑惠,2018,〈以地址最末兩碼調整之戶中選樣表〉,《調查研究--方法與應用》,41,119-147。(TSSCI)

  14. Shu-Hui Hsieh, Shen-Ming Lee, and Su-Hao Tu, 2018, “Randomized response techniques for a multi-level attribute using a single sensitive question”, STATISTICAL PAPERS, 59, 291-306. (SCIE) (IF: 1.523; SCI ranking: 52.8%)

  15. Shen-Ming Lee, Ter-Chao Peng, Jean de Dieu Tapsoba, and Shu-Hui Hsieh, 2017, “Improved estimation methods for unrelated question randomized response techniques”, COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS-THEORY AND METHODS, 46(16), 8101-8112. (SCIE) (IF: 0.863; SCI ranking: 86.4%)

  16. 張鑑如、謝淑惠、周麗端、廖鳳瑞,2017,〈幼兒發展調查資料庫建置計畫簡介〉,《中國統計學報》,第55卷,頁42-62。

  17. Su-Hao Tu and Shu-Hui Hsieh, 2017, “Estimates of lifetime extradyadic sex using a hybrid of randomized response technique and Crosswise Design”, ARCHIVES OF SEXUAL BEHAVIOR, 46(2), 373-384. (SSCI) (IF: 4.891; SSCI ranking: 23.5%,9.8%)

  18. Shu-Hui Hsieh, Shen-Ming Lee, Chin-Shang Li, and Su-Hao Tu, 2016, “An alternative to unrelated randomized response techniques with logistic regression analysis”, STATISTICAL METHODS AND APPLICATIONS, 25(4), 601-621. (SCIE) (IF: 1.174; SCI ranking: 72%)

  19. 謝淑惠、杜素豪、李燊銘、王千文, 2016, “台灣2012年總統選舉隨機作答模式調查探討”, 調查研究---方法與應用, 35, 81-109. (TSSCI)

  20. Shu-Hui Hsieh, Chin-Shang Li, and Shen-Ming Lee, 2013, “Logistic regression with outcome and covariates missing separately or simultaneously”, COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS, 66, 32-54. (SCIE) (IF: 2.035; SCI ranking: 78.6%,35.2%)

  21. Shen-Ming Lee, Chin-Shang Li, Shu-Hui Hsieh, and Li-Hui Huang, 2012, “Semiparametric estimation of logistic regression model with missing covariates and outcome”, METRIKA, 75(5), 621-653. (SCIE) (IF: 0.96; SCI ranking: 81.6%)

  22. 張舒晴、李燊銘、高秀蘭、謝淑惠, 2011, “隨機作答模式資料於伴隨變數缺失下確認概似估計的有效性比較”, 智慧科技與應用統計學報, 9(2), 49-68.

  23. Shu-Hui Hsieh, Shen-Ming Lee, Pao-Sheng Shen, and Mei-Fang Liu, 2011, “Conditional likelihood estimation and efficiency comparisons in proportional odds model with missing covariates”, ANNALS OF THE INSTITUTE OF STATISTICAL MATHEMATICS, 63(5), 887-921. (SCIE) (IF: 1.18; SCI ranking: 71.2%)

  24. Shen-Ming Lee, Mei-Jhih Gee, and Shu-Hui Hsieh, 2011, “Semiparametric methods in proportional odds model for ordinal response data with missing covariates”, BIOMETRICS, 67, 788-798. (SCIE) (IF: 1.701; SCI ranking: 71.3%,77.2%,45.6%)

  25. 謝淑惠、彭德昭、李燊銘, 2010, “隨機作答模式之邏輯斯迴歸參數估計”, 智慧科技與應用統計學報, 8(2),69-80.

  26. Shu-Hui Hsieh, Shen-Ming Lee, and Pao-Sheng Shen, 2010, “Logistic regression analysis of randomized response data with missing covariates”, JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PLANNING AND INFERENCE, 140(4), 927-940. (SCIE) (IF: 1.095; SCI ranking: 76%)

  27. Shu-Hui Hsieh, Shen-Ming Lee, and Pao-Sheng Shen, 2009, “Semiparametric analysis of randomized response data with missing covariates in logistic regression”, COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS, 53(7), 2673-2692. (SCIE) (IF: 2.035; SCI ranking: 78.6%,35.2%)

  1. Shu-Hui Hsieh,2023,〈Examining the validity of stochastic lie detector model in estimating prevalence of sensitive attributes〉,發表於第32屆南區統計研討會暨2023中華機率統計學術年會及學術研討會,花蓮:東華大學,2023-06-29 ~ 2023-06-30。

  2. Shu-Hui Hsieh and Pier Francesco Perri,2022,〈Comparing direct and indirect questioning techniques in online surveys: Evidences from a case of sexual behavior〉,發表於7th Italian Conference on Survey Methodology,University of Perugia:Survey Sampling Group of the Italian Statistical Society,2022-06-08 ~ 2022-06-10。

  3. Shu-Hui Hsieh,2021,〈Self-protective biases in measuring vote choice by using the multi-level randomized response model〉,發表於110年統計學術研討會,台北:輔仁大學,2021-12-10。

  4. Shu-Hui Hsieh,2021,〈Measuring self-protective biases in a multi-level randomized response model〉,發表於第30屆南區統計研討會暨2021中華機率統計學會年會及學術研討會,高雄:國立高雄大學,2021-10-30 ~ 2021-10-31。

  5. Shu-Hui Hsieh and Pier Francesco Perri,2021,〈Estimating the proportion of two sensitive characteristics and self-protective response with the multi-level randomized response model〉,發表於2021調查研究方法與應用學術研討會,台北:中央研究院,2021-09-02 ~ 2021-09-03。

  6. Shu-Hui Hsieh,2019,〈Randomized response techniques: an application to the sexual orientation identity in Taiwan〉,發表於2019 International Conference and Workshop on Survey Research Methodology,Taipei:Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica,2019-08-07 ~ 2019-08-08。

  7. Shu-Hui Hsieh,2019,〈Estimating sexual orientation identity in Taiwan using the multi-level randomized response technique〉,發表於The 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association,Croatia, Zagreb:University of Zagreb,2019-07-15 ~ 2019-07-19。

  8. 謝淑惠,2019,〈隨機作答模型應用於性傾向調查〉,發表於第十五屆海峽兩岸應用統計學術研討會暨台灣智慧科技與應用統計學年會,台南:成功大學,2019-04-27。

  9. 謝淑惠、鍾家華、陳鴻嘉、黃景祥,2018,〈全民健保資料加權方法的研究〉,發表於台灣社會變遷基本調查第三十一次研討會-網絡與社會資源,台北:中央研究院,2018-11-02。

  10. Shu-Hui Hsieh, and Shen-Ming Lee,2018,〈The proportional odds models with response variables subject to multi-level randomized response〉,發表於Joint statistical meetings,Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada:The American Statistical Association,2018-07-28 ~ 2018-08-02。

  11. 謝淑惠、詹大千、劉雪涵、傅仰止,2018,〈地址抽樣設計方案之初探研究〉,發表於第二十七屆南區統計研討會,台南:成功大學,2018-06-29 ~ 2018-06-30。

  12. Shu-Hui Hsieh, Martin Lukusa, and Shen-Ming Lee,2018,〈An empirical comparison of multi-level randomized response and direct questioning for sensitive measurements of sexual identity〉,發表於2018智慧科技與應用統計研討會,新竹:清華大學,2018-05-19。

  13. Shu-Hui Hsieh and Shen-Ming Lee,2017,〈Estimation in the proportional odds model for multi-level randomized response data with missing covariates〉,發表於第二十六屆南區統計研討會,台北:台北大學,2017-06-23 ~ 2017-06-24。

  14. Shu-Hui Hsieh and Shen-Ming Lee, 2017, “Application of the randomized response technique to measuring income”, paper presented at 2017第十三屆海峽兩岸應用統計學術研討會暨台灣智慧科技與應用統計學年會, 台中: 東海大學, 2017-04-23 ~ 2017-04-24.

  15. Shu-Hui Hsieh, 2016, “Bayesian analysis of Christofides' Randomized Response model: a Gibbs sampling Approach”, paper presented at 2016年海峽兩岸應用統計學術研討會, 中國:安徽財經大學: 中國:安徽財經大學, 2016-07-18 ~ 2016-07-20.

  16. Shu-Hui Hsieh and Shen-Ming Lee, 2016, “A Bayesian approach in analyzing randomized response techniques for multi-level attribute data”, paper presented at 第二十五屆南區統計研討會, 高雄:中山大學: 高雄:中山大學, 2016-06-24 ~ 2016-06-25.

  17. Shu-Hui Hsieh, 2016, “Bayesian analysis of Christofides' randomized response model: a Gibbs sampling approach”, paper presented at 智慧科技與應用統計研討會暨2016應用統計學術研討會, 台北:文化大學: 台北:文化大學, 2016-05-28.

  18. 謝淑惠、李燊銘、杜素豪, 2015, “應用隨機作答模型於台灣社會變遷調查”, paper presented at 2015調查研究方法與應用學術研討會, 台北: 人文社會科學研究中心 調查研究專題中心, 2015-09-03 ~ 2015-09-04.

  19. Shu-Hui Hsieh, Shen-Ming Lee, and Su-Hao Tu, 2015, “The Christofides' randomized response technique for multiple sensitive attributes”, paper presented at Joint statistical meetings 2015, Seattle, Washington: The American Statistical Association, 2015-08-08 ~ 2015-08-13.

  20. 謝淑惠, 2015, “多重插補法在資料量尺轉換之應用”, paper presented at 2015智慧科技與應用統計研討會暨2015應用統計學術研討會, 台北: 淡江大學, 2015-05-30.

  21. 謝淑惠、杜素豪、李燊銘、王千文, 2014, “2012年台灣總統選舉之調查方法效應與比較”, paper presented at 台灣社會變遷基本-調查第二十三次研討會國家認同, 中央研究院: 中央研究院社會學研究所, 2014-12-05.

  22. 謝淑惠、李燊銘、彭德昭, 2014, “探討無關聯隨機作答模式於敏感問題之有效性估計”, paper presented at 2014年海峽兩岸應用統計學術研討會, 武漢大學: 武漢大學, 2014-06-27 ~ 2014-06-29.

  23. Shu-Hui Hsieh, Shen-Ming Lee, and Su-Hao Tu, 2014, “Survey multiple sensitive attributes using randomized response design”, paper presented at 2014年智慧科技與應用統計研討會, 銘傳大學(基河校區): 台灣智慧科技與應用統計學會,銘傳大學, 2014-05-24.

  24. Shu-Hui Hsieh, Shen-Ming Lee, and Su-Hao Tu, 2013, “Surveying multiple sensitive attributes using randomized response design”, paper presented at The Ninth ICSA International Conference: Challenges of Statistical Methods for Interdisciplinary Research and Big Data, Hong Kong: Baptist University, 2013-12-20 ~ 2013-12-23.

  25. Su-Hao Tu and Shu-Hui Hsieh, 2013, “Estimating the outcome of the 2012 Taiwan presidential election using randomized response design in a post-survey ”, paper presented at 台灣變遷基本調查第二十一次研討會-社會階層與社會流動, 中央研究院: 中央研究院社會學研究所, 2013-11-01.

  26. Su-Hao Tu and Shu-Hui Hsieh, 2013, “Estimates of extramarital affair by using hybrid of randomized response technique and crosswise design”, paper presented at 台灣社會變遷基本調查第二十次研討會-性別、家庭與性傾向, 中央研究院: 中央研究院社會學研究所, 2013-09-13 ~ 2013-09-14.

  27. Shu-Hui Hsieh, Su-Hao Tu, and Shen-Ming Lee, 2013, “Estimates of sexual orientation in Taiwan ”, paper presented at 2013 International Conference on Survey Research Methodology, Taipei, Taiwan: Center for survey research , RCHSS, Academia Sinica, 2013-09-05 ~ 2013-09-06.

  28. Shu-Hui Hsieh, Shen-Ming Lee, and Su-Hao Tu, 2013, “A new randomized response model for multiple sensitive attributes”, paper presented at 第二十二屆南區統計研討會, 高雄大學: 國立高雄大學, 2013-06-28 ~ 2013-06-29.

  29. Shen-Ming Lee, Shu-Hui Hsieh, and Jean de Dieu Tapsoba, 2012, “Weighted estimation and efficiency comparisons based on randomized responses procedure”, paper presented at 調查研究方法與應用學術研討會, 中央研究院: 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心調查研究專題中心, 2012-09-07.

  30. Shu-Hui Hsieh, Chin-Shang Li, and Shen-Ming Lee, 2012, “Logistic regression with outcome and covariates missing separately or simultaneously”, paper presented at 2012智慧科技與應用統計學術研討會, 嘉義大學: 國立嘉義大學, 2012-06-16.

  31. 謝淑惠、李燊銘、沈葆聖, 2011, “在伴隨變數缺失之隨機作答資料以加權方法估計邏輯斯迴歸參數”, paper presented at 2011海峽兩岸應用統計學術研討會, 台北: 逢甲大學, 2011-05-15 ~ 2011-05-16.

  32. Shu-Hui Hsieh, Shen-Ming Lee, and Pao-Sheng Shen, 2009, “Semiparametric analysis of randomized response data with missing covariates in logistic regression”, paper presented at 第十八屆南區統計研討會, 高雄: 中山大學, 2009-06-26 ~ 2009-06-27.

  33. 謝淑惠、李燊銘、沈葆聖, 2009, “隨機作答模式在伴隨變數缺失下邏輯斯迴歸之參數估計”, paper presented at 2009海峽兩岸應用統計學術研討會, 台北: 政治大學, 2009-05-17.

  34. Shu-Hui Hsieh, Shen-Ming Lee, Pao-Sheng Shen, and Mei-Fang Liu, 2008, “Conditional likelihood estimation and efficiency comparisons in proportional odds model with missing covariates”, paper presented at 97年統計學術研討會, 台北: 台北大學, 2008-12-19.

  35. Shu-Hui Hsieh, Shen-Ming Lee, Pao-Sheng Shen, and Mei-Fang Liu, 2008, “Conditional likelihood estimators in proportional odds model with missing covariates”, paper presented at The Joint Meeting of 4th World Conference of the IASC and 6th Conference of the Asian Regional Section of the IASC on Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Yokohama, Japan.: Japan, 2008-12-05 ~ 2008-12-08.

  36. Shu-Hui Hsieh, Shen-Ming Lee, and Pao-Sheng Shen, 2008, “Logistic regression analysis of randomized response data with missing covariates”, paper presented at 第十七屆南區統計研討會暨96年度中華機率統計學年會和學術研討會, 花蓮: 東華大學, 2008-06-27 ~ 2008-06-28.

  1. 傅仰止、關秉寅、吳齊殷、廖培珊、謝淑惠,2020,《台灣社會變遷基本調查計畫-第七期五次調查計畫執行報告》。

  2. 傅仰止、林本炫、蔡明彰、廖培珊、謝淑惠,2019,《台灣社會變遷基本調查計畫 第七期第四次調查計畫執行報告》。

  3. 傅仰止、蘇國賢、 吳齊殷、 廖培珊、謝淑惠,2018,《台灣社會變遷基本調查計畫 第七期第三次調查計畫執行報告》,科技部委託。

  4. 傅仰止、章英華、 廖培珊、謝淑惠,2017,《台灣社會變遷基本調查計畫 第七期第二次調查計畫執行報告》,科技部委託。

  1. 謝淑惠, 2009, “隨機作答資料在伴隨變數缺失下邏輯斯迴歸之參數估計”, 83 pages, 統計學系, 東海大學.