



研究領域: 民主政治、社會正義、政治共同體理論、國際政治理論、啟蒙運動、西洋政治思想史

Email : cchiaming at ntu.edu.tw

電話 : 02-27821693-264

  1. 陳嘉銘,2024,〈為何歐洲人對野蠻人的戰爭如此殘酷?〉(Why Are “Savage Wars” So Brutal?*),《政治科學論叢》,102, 1-40。(TSSCI)

  2. 陳嘉銘、周應龍,2022,〈一個人權道德基礎理論:台灣社會死刑意向道德基礎初探〉,《台灣政治學刊》,26(2), 1-64。(Scopus, TSSCI)

  3. 陳嘉銘、葉明叡,2020,〈正義穩定性、道德情感與共同生活: 一個平等主義未來生活的想像〉(Stability of Justice, Moral Sentiments and Common Life: Envisioning an Egalitarian Future Life),《臺灣民主季刊》,17(2), 1-41。(TSSCI)

  4. Ming-Jui Yeh, Chia-Ming Chen, 2020, “Solidarity with Whom? The Boundary Problem and the Ethical Origins of Solidarity of the Health System in Taiwan”, HEALTH CARE ANALYSIS, 28(2), 176-192. (SSCI) (IF: 2.236; SSCI ranking: 31.6%,71.6%,63%)

  5. Chia-Ming Chen, 2019, “Instrument contra Human End: Self-determination as a Right to Protect Power”, GLOBAL POLICY, 10(1), 137-143. (SSCI) (IF: 2.375; SSCI ranking: 38.5%,39.9%)

  6. Chia-Ming Chen*, Jean‐Marc Coicaud, 2019, “Theorizing Democracy between National and International Politics: A Snapshot from East Asia Introduction”, GLOBAL POLICY, 10(1), 107-109. (SSCI) (IF: 2.375; SSCI ranking: 38.5%,39.9%)

  7. Chia-Ming Chen, 2016, “Civil disobedience as transformative power under a nondemocratic regime: Does the Umbrella Movement undermine the rule of law?”, Asia Pacific Law Review, 24(2), 87-107. (SSCI) (IF: 0.542; SSCI ranking: 85.8%)

  8. 陳嘉銘,2015,〈「人們尋求以惡還惡,若非如此即是奴隸」〉,《中研院法學期刊》,17, 313-333。(TSSCI)

  9. Chia-Ming Chen, 2015, “Searching for Constitutional Authority in the Sunflower Movement”, Hong Kong Law Journal, 45(1), 211-228. (SSCI) (IF: 0.242; SSCI ranking: 96.1%)

  10. 陳嘉銘,2014,〈死刑的政治權威能否證立?〉(Can the Political Authority of the Death Penalty be Justified?),《政治與社會哲學評論》,50, 1-57。(TSSCI)

  11. 陳嘉銘,2014,〈「創造出公民,要什麼就都有了」?論盧梭的自由、愛國主義和實現共和的弔詭〉(‘Create Citizens, and You Have Everything You Need’? On Rousseau’s Freedom, Patriotism and the Paradox of Actualizing Republic),《人文及社會科學集刊》,26(2), 175-218。(TSSCI)

  12. 陳嘉銘,2013,〈盧梭推論戰爭權利的途徑:從共和自由到萬民法〉(Rousseau’s Approach to the Rights of War: From Republican Freedom to the Laws of Nations),《臺灣民主季刊》,第10卷第4期,頁93-136。(TSSCI)

  13. 陳嘉銘,2010,〈全球「制度體系」的神話:消極義務、基本結構與全球正義〉(The Myth of a Global Institutional Scheme: Negative Duty, Basic Structure and Global Justice),《政治與社會哲學評論》,35, 1-51。(TSSCI)

  1. 陳嘉銘,2022,〈「自然非群性」的盧梭變奏:從共和帝國主義到共和邦聯〉,曾國祥、劉佳昊編,《帝國與文明:政治思想的全球轉向》,頁125-152,台北:聯經出版社。

  2. 陳嘉銘,2021,〈廖文奎的臺灣民族主義的道德性〉,吳叡人、吳冠緯編,《廖文奎文獻選》,頁435-453,台北市:國立臺灣大學出版中心。

  1. 陳嘉銘,2023,〈「小戰爭」思惟與歐洲十九世紀帝國主義〉,發表於帝國與文明:世界秩序的多元想像研討會,中央研究院:中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心,2023-04-27 ~ 2023-04-28。

  2. 陳嘉銘、周應龍,2023,〈道德感性、道德基礎與人權道德情感〉,發表於2022台灣社會政治與道德價值研討會,中央研究院:中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心,2023-03-24。

  3. 陳嘉銘,2022,〈盧梭的自然主義〉,發表於2022清華哲學研討會,國立清華大學:國立清華大學哲學研究所,2022-09-30 ~ 2022-10-01。

  4. 陳嘉銘、周應龍,2021,〈政治賢能制與現代社會的政治儒家〉,共30頁,發表於2021台灣社會政治與道德價值研討會,中央研究院:中央研究院人社中心,2021-12-17。

  5. Chia-Ming Chen, 2021, “Rousseau's Practical Approach to Moral Truth”, 25 pages, paper presented at 《探索政治現代性》學術研討會, 中央研究院: 中央研究院人社中心, 2021-10-07 ~ 2021-10-08.

  6. 陳嘉銘、周應龍,2020,〈誰關心人權?人權落實、道德基礎理論與意識形態敘事〉,共25頁,發表於2020臺灣社會政治與道德價值調查學術研討會,中央研究院:中央研究院人社中心,2020-11-24。

  7. 陳嘉銘,2020,〈「懸命的民主」與自由民主〉,共25頁,發表於民主與現代性的政治反思:蔡英文教授紀念研討會,中央研究院:中央研究院人社中心,2020-09-24 ~ 2020-09-25。

  8. 陳嘉銘,2019,〈盧梭與民主共和的國際擴張主義〉,共25頁,發表於帝國與國際政治思想: 從格勞秀斯到馬克思學術研討會,中央研究院,台北:中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心,2019-11-04 ~ 2019-11-05。

  9. 陳嘉銘、周應龍,2019,〈道德基礎與憲政民主制度的穩定性〉,共20頁,發表於台灣社會政治與道德價值調查學術研討會,中央研究院,台北:中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心,2019-10-04。

  10. Chia-Ming Chen, 2019, “Authority, Justice, and the Confucian Democratic Motherland”, 35 pages, paper presented at Liberalism, the Enlightenment, and Imperialism Workshop, Academia Sinica, Taipei: Academia Sinica, 2019-03-26.

  11. Chia-Ming Chen, 2018, “Instrument contra Human End: Self-Determination as a Right to Protect Power”, 23 pages, paper presented at Beyond Eurocentric and Sinocentric: Engaging Human Rights and Democracy in East Asia and Beyond, 中央研究院人社中心政治思想研究專題中心: 中央研究院, 2018-11-07 ~ 2018-11-09.

  12. 陳嘉銘、周應龍,2018,〈轉型正義與民主價值:轉型正義有助於民主嗎?臺灣意見調查初探〉,發表於2018年台灣政治學會年會暨「變動中的大國關係與民主治理」國際學術研討會,宜蘭:淡江大學蘭陽校區:台灣政治學會,2018-11-10 ~ 2018-11-11。

  13. 陳嘉銘,2018,〈墜落到何方:消解政治與社會分離的大民主力場:托克維爾的奇詭民主(Strange Democracy)〉,共30頁,發表於新世紀的社會與文化,國立清華大學:國立清華大學人文社會學院,2018-03-10 ~ 2018-03-11。

  14. Chia-Ming Chen, 2017, “The Effects of Confucian Morals on Democracy: A Case of ‘Maternal’ Democracy”, 16 pages, paper presented at International Conference on The Voices of Democracy in Confucianism, 中央研究院,台北,臺灣: 中央研究院人社中心政治思想研究專題中心, 2017-11-15 ~ 2017-11-16.

  15. 陳俊宏、陳嘉銘,2017,〈愚公移山?高等教育學費政策的第三種想像〉,發表於改革與公民意識學術研討會,台北,台灣:中央研究院,2017-06-15 ~ 2017-06-16。

  16. Chia-Ming Chen, 2016, “Taiwan's 'Coming Dawn' Democracy”, 19 pages, paper presented at Political Theory from East Asia: Toward New Perspectives, City University of Hong Kong: Centre for East Asian and Comparative Philosophy, City University of Hong Kong, 2016-08-22 ~ 2016-08-23.

  17. Chia-Ming Chen, 2015, “International Ethics Necessitated by Constitutional Self-determination”, 25 pages, paper presented at Democracy in Global Politics, 中央研究院,台北,台灣: 中央研究院人社中心政治思想研究專題中心, 2015-12-07 ~ 2015-12-08.

  18. Chia-Ming Chen, 2015, “Founding the Rule of Law through Civil Disobedience: Can the Umbrella Movement Oppose the Authority but Remain under Law?”, 18 pages, paper presented at The Occupy Central Movement and Its Aftermaths: An Interdisciplinary Study, Hong Kong: Asia Pacific Law Review (APLR), School of Law, City University of Hong Kong Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law (RCCL), School of Law, City University of Hong Kong, 2015-09-18 ~ 2015-09-19.

  19. Chia-Ming Chen, 2014, “The Eclipsed Politics of Democratic Foundings in the Sunflower Movement”, paper presented at Discussion Forum on Taiwan's Sunflower Movement: Foundations and Implications, 中央研究院法律學研究所: 中央研究院法律學研究所, 2014-12-15 ~ 2014-12-16.

  20. 陳嘉銘,2013,〈「有了公民就什麼都有了」?:論盧梭的自由、愛國主義 和實現共和的弔詭〉,共31頁,發表於「民主與國族主義」學術研討會,中央研究院,台北,台灣:中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心政治思想研究專題中心,2013-11-14 ~ 2013-11-15。

  21. Chia-Ming Chen, 2013, “Justice and Beneficence in the International Relations: On Adam Smith's Concept of Impartial Spectator”, 16 pages, paper presented at 2013 American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, United States: American Political Science Association, 2013-08-29 ~ 2013-09-01.

  22. 陳嘉銘,2013,〈盧梭推論戰爭權利的途徑:從共和自由到萬民法〉,共28頁,發表於「紀念盧梭誕生三百周年」學術研討會,中央研究院,台北,台灣:中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心政治思想研究專題中心,2013-06-10 ~ 2013-06-11。

  23. Chia-Ming Chen, 2012, “Adam Smith on the Impartial Spectator in International Relations”, 16 pages, paper presented at Adam Smith in International Contexts: An Adam Smith Workshop, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan: The Center for Political Thought, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, 2012-12-17 ~ 2012-12-18.

  24. Chia-Ming Chen, 2012, “Death Penalty as a Political Obligation to die: Revisiting Hobbes and Rousseau”, 17 pages, paper presented at 2012 Conference on Legal Thoughts and Social Change: Life and Justice, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan: Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica, 2012-10-19 ~ 2012-10-20.

  25. Chia-Ming Chen, 2011, “Democracy’s Two Bodies, Vanity and Fear of Death: A Realistic Reading of Rousseau”, 25 pages, paper presented at International Conference on Democracy, Empires and Geopolitics, Academia Sinica, Taipei: The Center for Political Thought, Research Center for Humanites and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, 2011-12-10 ~ 2011-12-12.

  26. 陳嘉銘,2011,〈兩種人權社會典範:法律主義與社會運動〉,共26頁,發表於『生命與正義』組群計畫年底成果發表會,中央研究院,台北,台灣:中央研究院法律所,2011-12-26。

  27. 陳嘉銘,2011,〈兩種人權:從台灣廢死運動爭議談起〉,共25頁,發表於島弧人權:亞洲人權的理論,實務與歷史國際研討會,輔仁大學,新北市,台灣:輔大基礎法學研究中心、台灣法學會基礎法學委員會,2011-06-11 ~ 2011-06-12。

  28. Chia-Ming Chen, 2010, “The Assumption of Rawlsian Concept of Institution in Pogge's Account of Human Rights”, paper presented at The 68th Annual Midwest Political Science Association National Conference, Chicago: Midwest Political Science Association, 2010-04-22 ~ 2010-04-25.

  29. Chia-Ming Chen, 2009, “What is a People? From a Transnational Perspective”, 20 pages, paper presented at 2009 American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada: American Political Science Association, 2009-09-03 ~ 2009-09-06.

  30. Chia-Ming Chen, 2009, “Modern Subjects’ Inherent Difficulty in Practicing Transnational Justice”, 28 pages, paper presented at The 67th Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA: Midwest Political Science Association, 2009-04-02 ~ 2009-04-05.

  31. Chia-Ming Chen, 2008, “Peoples, Nations and States”, 26 pages, paper presented at The 14th Annual North American Taiwan Studies Conference, University of Washington, Seattle WA, USA: North American Taiwan Studies Association, 2008-06-27 ~ 2008-06-29.

  32. Chia-Ming Chen, 2008, “Sovereignty as a Politics of Mediating Modern Experiences of Disagreements: A Critique of Grotius’s Liberal Paradigm of Sovereignty”, 25 pages, paper presented at The 66th Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meetings, Chicago, IL, USA: Midwest Political Science Association, 2008-04-03 ~ 2008-04-06.

  1. 陳嘉銘,2014,〈一個自由的篇章:行動的網路和行動的語法〉(A Chapter of Freedom: Internet in Action and the Syntax of Action),《思想》,第27期,頁183-197。

  2. 陳嘉銘,2011,〈從四個城邦的隱喻談死刑存廢〉,《思想》,第17卷,頁143-149。

  1. 陳嘉銘,2011,〈書評 Public Philosophy in a New Key, Volume 1: Democracy and Civic Freedom; Volume 2: Imperialism and Civic Freedom〔公共哲學新調—卷一:民主與公民自由;卷二:帝國主義與公民自由〕by James Tully〔詹姆斯.杜利〕〉,《臺灣民主季刊》,8(1), 177-189。

  1. Chia-Ming Chen, 2009, “Transnational Moral Conflicts and Ethical Peoplehood”, Department of Political Science, University of Chicago.