研究領域: 產業經濟學,公平交易法,能源政策
賴孚權*、陳為政、陳嘉雯、蔡明宏,2023,〈COVID-19 大流行以來公衛與經濟相關學術文獻之擇要回顧〉(A Selective Review on Public Health and Economic Perspectives of the COVID-19 Pandemic),《經濟論文叢刊》,51(3), 285-357。(TSSCI)
Chia-Wen Chen, Josie I Chen*, Min-Jen Lin, 2023, “Performance Feedback in a Group Contest: A Field Experiment on Electricity Conservation”, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 32(3), 558-582. (SSCI) (IF: 2.245; SSCI ranking: 46.9%,83.8%)
邱敬淵*、陳嘉雯、李素華、蔡昀廷,2023,〈競爭法多邊平臺經濟分析之研究—價格策略及其對競爭之影響〉(Economic Analysis of a Multi-Sided Platform Business for Competition Law: Market Characteristics, Pricing Schemes, and Their Policy Implications),《公平交易季刊》,31(2), 81-146。(TSSCI)
陳嘉雯*,2021,〈民營電廠在長期合約中的競爭關係:以台灣和平電廠輸電塔倒塌事件為例〉(Competition among Independent Power Producers under Long-Term Contracts: Evidence from a Transmission Tower’s Collapse in Taiwan),《經濟論文叢刊》,49(4), 533-565。(TSSCI)
Chia-Wen Chen*, Wei-Min Hu, and Christopher Knittel, 2021, “Subsidizing Fuel-Efficient Cars: Evidence from China's Automobile Industry”, AMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL-ECONOMIC POLICY, 113(4), 152-184. (SSCI) (IF: 5.3; SSCI ranking: 14.4%)
Chia-Wen Chen, Shiou Shieh, 2016, “Does Exclusive Dealing Matter? Evidence from Distribution Contract Changes in the U.S. Beer Industry”, Journal of Industrial Economics, 64(3), 411-435. (SSCI) (IF: 1.054; SSCI ranking: 89.2%,82.5%)
Chia-Wen Chen, 2014, “Estimating the Foreclosure Effect of Exclusive Dealing: Evidence from the Entry of Specialty Beer Producers”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 37, 47-64. (SSCI) (IF: 1.739; SSCI ranking: 60.7%)
Chia-Wen Chen, Jian-Da Zhu,2023,〈Incentivizing Demand Response Using Auctions: Evidence from Steel Producers in Taiwan〉,發表於The European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE) Conference 2023,義大利(Italy)羅馬(Rome):European Association for Research in Industrial Economics,2023-08-24 ~ 2023-08-26。
Chia-Wen Chen, Jian-Da Zhu,2022,〈Estimating the Effect of Winning Demand Response Auctions on Firms' Electricity Consumption〉,發表於Asia Pacific Industrial Organisation Conference 2022,Sydney, Australia:The Asia-Pacific Industrial Organization Society,2022-12-09 ~ 2022-12-11。
Chia-Wen Chen, 2019, “Imperfect Regulation, Long-Term Contracts, and Misallocation in Electricity Generation”, paper presented at 2019 Asia Pacific Industrial Organization Conference (APIOC), 日本(Japan)東京(Tokyo): Asia-Pacific Industrial Organization Society (APIOS), 2019-12-12 ~ 2019-12-14.
Chia-Wen Chen, Josie I Chen, Min-Jen Lin,2019,〈Team Contest and Information Feedback: A Field Experiment〉,發表於ASSA 2019 Annual Meeting,Atlanta:Allied Social Science Associations,2019-01-04 ~ 2019-01-06。
Chia-Wen Chen, Josie I Chen and Min-Jen Lin, 2018, “How to Motivate Students to Reduce Dormitory Electricity Use: A Field Experiment”, paper presented at Contests: Theory and Evidence 2018, Norwich, United Kingdom: The Centre for Behavioural and Experimental Social Science, University of East Anglia, 2018-06-25 ~ 2018-06-26.
Chia-Wen Chen, Wei-Min Hu, 2017, “Targeting of Fuel Efficiency Programs in China's Automobile Industry”, paper presented at Western Economic Association International 92th Annual Conference, San Diego, California, U.S.A.: Western Economic Association International, 2017-06-25 ~ 2017-06-29.