特聘研究員 兼主任
研究領域: 傳播效果、傳播心理、消費心理
- 教育部學術獎(Academic Award, Ministry of Education in Taiwan): 2016
- 國科會傑出特約學者(Outstanding Special Appointed Researcher Award, Ministry of Science and Technology):2022
- 國科會傑出研究獎(Distinguished Research Award, Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan):2003, 2009, 2012
- Distinguished Reviewer Award, Journal of Advertising: 2011
- 國科會傑出學者研究計畫(Distinguished Research Proposal Award, National Science Council in Taiwan): 2007, 2008
- 國立政治大學學術研究特優獎(Award of Research Excellence, National Chengchi University): 2006, 2007, 2008
- 國立政治大學傑出研究講座(Distinguished Research Faculty, National Chengchi University): 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
- 國立政治大學學術研究成果國際化優等研究獎(Outstanding International Research Award, National Chengchi University): 2002, 2005, 2006
- 國立政治大學學術研究成果國際化特優研究獎(Excellence International Research Award, National Chengchi University): 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
- Top Paper Award, Information System Division, 2002 Annual Conference of ICA
Chingching Chang, Yu-chuan Hung and Morris Hsieh, 2024, “We Are What We Consume: Predicting Independent Voters’ Preferences from Their Media Diet Color.”, Social Science Computer Review, 42(3), 661-680. (SSCI) (IF: 4.418; SSCI ranking: 29.4%,12.5%)
Chingching Chang, 2024, “Examining the Effectiveness of Public Service Announcements in Encouraging Pro-Health Behaviors: Self-Referent Mental Simulation and Empowerment as Mediators”, International Journal of Advertising, 43(2), 332-360. (SSCI) (IF: 5.888; SSCI ranking: 39.4%,8.3%)
Chingching Chang, accepted, “User-Type Differential Paths for a Media Effect Model: A Test of Self-Regulation Deficiency in Drama Watching for Different Motive-Driven Users.”, Media Psychology. (SSCI) (IF: 3.912; SSCI ranking: 24%,41%)
Chingching Chang, accepted, “How Dramas Featuring Morally Ambiguous Protagonists Increase a Sense of Life Expansion: The Role of Moral Judgment”, Mass Communication and Society. (SSCI) (IF: 3.256; SSCI ranking: 34.4%)
Chingching Chang, accepted, “Enjoyment of Love-Related Dramas and the Implications of Perspective Taking”, Communication Research. (SSCI) (IF: 6.2; SSCI ranking: 7.3%)
Chingching Chang, 2023, “Being Inspired by Media Content: Psychological Processes Leading to Inspiration”, Media Psychology, 26, 72-81. (SSCI) (IF: 3.912; SSCI ranking: 24%,41%)
Chingching Chang, 2023, “The Multiple Mechanisms by Which Watching Dramas Can Repair or Enhance Moods”, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 67:1, 21-46. (SSCI) (IF: 2.985; SSCI ranking: 41.7%)
Chingching Chang and Chung-li Wu, 2023, “Active Versus Passive Ambivalent Voters: Implications for Interactive Political Communication and Participation”, Communication Research, 50(7), 828-853. (SSCI) (IF: 6.3; SSCI ranking: 6.3%)
Chingching Chang, accepted, “Feeling Ambivalent While Using Instant Messaging: A Value–Motive–Experience Framework Comparing Maximizers and Social Groomers.”, Chinese Journal of Communication. (SSCI) (IF: 3.698; SSCI ranking: 28.1%)
Nicholas Bowman, Chingching Chang, 2023, “Covariation among gaming motivations is correlated with anxiety and sociality A latent class analysis.”, Entertainment Computing, 45(100546), 1-10. (SCIE, SSCI Expanded) (IF: 2.072; SCI ranking: 70.8%,76.8%,53.6%)
Chingching Chang, 2022, “How Short Film Ads Improve Brand Attitudes: The Roles of Viewing Experiences and Consumption Visions”, Journal Of Consumer Behaviour, 21(6), 1440-1453. (SSCI) (IF: 3.199; SSCI ranking: 72.9%)
Chingching Chang, 2022, “Cross-Country Comparison of Effects of Early Government Communication on Personal Empowerment During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Taiwan and the United States”, Health Communication, 37(4), 476-489. (SSCI) (IF: 3.501; SSCI ranking: 31.3%,31.8%)
Chingching Chang, 2022, “Seeking Scientific Health Information for Empowerment: Empowered-Get-More-Empowered Effects.”, Science Communication, 44(2), 169-199. (SSCI) (IF: 7.441; SSCI ranking: 2.1%)
Wu, C. L., Lin, A. M. W., & Chang, C., 2021, “Strategic voting revisited: the case of the 2018 Taipei City mayoral election.”, Japanese Journal of Political Science, 22(3), 175-191. (SSCI) (IF: 0.96; SSCI ranking: 83%)
Chingching Chang, 2021, “Effects of Responsibility Appeals for Pro-Environmental Ads: When Do They Empower or Generate Reactance?”, Environmental Communication-A Journal of Nature and Culture, 15(4), 546-569. (SSCI) (IF: 3.389; SSCI ranking: 33.3%,55.5%)
Chingching Chang, 2021, “Fake News: Audience Perceptions and Concerted Coping Strategies”, Digital Journalism, 9, 5-636-659. (SSCI) (IF: 6.847; SSCI ranking: 4.2%)
Chingching Chang, 2021, “How Morality Judgments Influence Humor Perceptions of Prankvertising”, International Journal of Advertising, 40(2), 246-271. (SSCI) (IF: 5.888; SSCI ranking: 39.4%,8.3%)
Chingching Chang, 2020, “How Branded Videos Can Inspire Consumers and Benefit Brands: Implications for Consumers’ Subjective Well-Being”, Journal of Advertising, 49, 613-632. (SSCI) (IF: 6.528; SSCI ranking: 31%,5.2%)
Chingching Chang, 2020, “Self-control–centered empowerment model: Health consciousness and health knowledge as drivers of empowerment seeking through health communication”, Health Communication, 35, 1497-1508. (SSCI) (IF: 3.501; SSCI ranking: 31.3%,31.8%)
Chingching Chang, Wei-na Lee, Yuping Liu-Thompkins, 2019, “Advertising in Asia: Theories and Implications for Practice”, Journal of Advertising, 48, 417-436. (SSCI) (IF: 6.528; SSCI ranking: 31%,5.2%)
Chingching Chang, 2019, “Ambivalent Facebook Users: Anxious Attachment Style and Goal Cognition”, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 36(8) 2528–2548. (SSCI) (IF: 2.681; SSCI ranking: 47.9%,31.3%,62.1%)
Chingching Chang, Wei-shang Chang, Wan-yun Yu, 2019, “Effects of the Number of Advertised Brands in a Choice Set: A Meta-Cognitive Process”, Psychology & Marketing, 36(5), 502-519.. (SSCI) (IF: 5.507; SSCI ranking: 43.9%,21.7%)
Chang, Chingching, Wu, Chung-li, 2019, “Model of Behavioral Strategies for Coping with Party Ambivalence”, Political Science, 71(1), 17-39. (SSCI) (IF: 1.364; SSCI ranking: 68.1%)
Chingching Chang, 2018, “How salient pictures in magazine advertisements bias consumers' preference construction: A comparison with product pages in e-stores applying dual system model”, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 17(2), 123-140. (SSCI) (IF: 3.199; SSCI ranking: 72.9%)
Chingching Chang, 2017, “A Metacognitive Model of the Effects of Susceptibility to Persuasion Self-Beliefs on Advertising Effects”, Journal of Advertising, 46(4), 487-502. (SSCI) (IF: 6.528; SSCI ranking: 31%,5.2%)
Chingching Chang, 2017, “Methodological Issues in Advertising Research: Current Status, Shifts, and Trends”, Journal of Advertising, 46(1), 2-20. (SSCI) (IF: 6.528; SSCI ranking: 31%,5.2%)
Chingching Chang, 2016, “Before–after Appeals: A dual-route effect model”, International Journal of Advertising, 35(2), 301-324. (SSCI) (IF: 5.888; SSCI ranking: 39.4%,8.3%)
Chingching Chang, 2016, “Behavioral Recommendations in Health Research News as Cues to Action: Self-Relevancy and Self-Efficacy Processes”, Journal of Health Communication, 21(8), 954-968. (SSCI) (IF: 2.742; SSCI ranking: 43.8%,47.1%)
Chingching Chang, 2016, “Responses to conflicting information in computer-mediated communication: Gender difference as an example”, New Media & Society, 18(1), 5-24. (SSCI) (IF: 5.31; SSCI ranking: 12.5%)
Chingching Chang, 2015, “Inaccuracy in Health Research News: A Typology and Predictions of Scientists' Perceptions of the Accuracy of Research News”, Journal of Health Communication, 20(2), 177-186. (SSCI) (IF: 2.742; SSCI ranking: 43.8%,47.1%)
Chingching Chang, 2015, “Motivated Processing: How People Perceive News Covering Novel or Contradictory Health Research Findings”, Science Communication, 37(5), 602-634. (SSCI) (IF: 7.441; SSCI ranking: 2.1%)
Chingching Chang, 2015, “Self-construal and Facebook activities: Exploring differences in social interaction orientation”, Computers in Human Behavior, 53, 91-101. (SSCI) (IF: 8.957; SSCI ranking: 3.3%,7.4%)
Chingching Chang, Ran Wei, Ven-Hwei Lo, 2014, “Ambivalent Versus Univalent Voters: Perceived Media Influences and Third-Person Perceptions”, Media Psychology, 17(4), 420-450. (SSCI) (IF: 3.912; SSCI ranking: 24%,41%)
Chingching Chang, 2014, “Guilt Regulation: The Relative Effects of Altruistic Versus Egoistic Appeals for Charity Advertising”, Journal of Advertising, 43(3), 211-227. (SSCI) (IF: 6.528; SSCI ranking: 31%,5.2%)
Chingching Chang, 2014, “The Influence of Ambivalence Toward a Communication Source: Media Context Priming and Persuasion Polarization”, Communication Research, 41(6), 783-808. (SSCI) (IF: 6.3; SSCI ranking: 6.3%)
Chingching Chang, 2014, “When New Commercials Do Not Meet Expectations”, Journal of Advertising, 43(4), 359-370. (SSCI) (IF: 6.528; SSCI ranking: 31%,5.2%)
Chingching Chang, 2014, “Why do Caucasian advertising models appeal to consumers in Taiwan? A cue-triggered value-expressive framework”, International Journal of Advertising, 33(1), 155-177. (SSCI) (IF: 5.888; SSCI ranking: 39.4%,8.3%)
Chingching Chang, 2013, “Imagery Fluency and Narrative Advertising Effects”, Journal of Advertising, 42(1), 54-68. (SSCI) (IF: 6.528; SSCI ranking: 31%,5.2%)
Chingching Chang, 2013, “Men's and Women's Responses to Two-Sided Health News Coverage: A Moderated Mediation Model”, Journal of Health Communication, 18(11), 1326-1344. (SSCI) (IF: 2.742; SSCI ranking: 43.8%,47.1%)
Chingching Chang, 2013, “Seeing Is Believing: The Direct and Contingent Influence of Pictures in Health Promotion Advertising”, Health Communication, 28(8), 822-834. (SSCI) (IF: 3.501; SSCI ranking: 31.3%,31.8%)
Chingching Chang, 2012, “Ambivalent Attitudes in a Communication Process: An Integrated Model”, Human Communication Research, 38(3), 332-359. (SSCI) (IF: 5.333; SSCI ranking: 11.5%)
Chingching Chang, 2012, “Effectiveness of consensus information in advertising: The moderating roles of situational factors and individual differences”, JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND PSYCHOLOGY, 27(4), 483-494. (SSCI) (IF: 6.604; SSCI ranking: 29.7%,16.9%)
Chingching Chang, 2012, “How people tell an ad story: Western vs. Asian styles”, Asian Journal of Communication, 22(3), 235-252. (SSCI) (IF: 2.074; SSCI ranking: 65.6%)
Chingching Chang, 2012, “Is that website for me? Website-Self Congruency Effects Triggered by Visual Designs”, International Journal of Advertising, 31(4), 835-860. (SSCI) (IF: 5.888; SSCI ranking: 39.4%,8.3%)
Chingching Chang, 2012, “News Coverage of Health-Related Issues and Its Impacts on Perceptions: Taiwan as an Example”, Health Communication, 27(2), 111-123. (SSCI) (IF: 3.501; SSCI ranking: 31.3%,31.8%)
Chingching Chang, 2012, “The effectiveness of advertising that leverages sponsorship and cause-related marketing: A Contingency Model”, International Journal of Advertising, 31(2), 317-338. (SSCI) (IF: 5.888; SSCI ranking: 39.4%,8.3%)
Chingching Chang, 2012, “The Role of Ad-Evoked Consumption Visions in Predicting Brand Attitudes: A Relevancy Principle Model”, Psychology & Marketing, 29(12), 956-967. (SSCI) (IF: 5.507; SSCI ranking: 43.9%,21.7%)
Chingching Chang, 2011, “Enhancing Self-Referencing to Health Messages: Implications for Public Health Campaigns.”, Journal of Consumer Affairs, 45(1), 147-164. (SSCI) (IF: 2.603; SSCI ranking: 80.6%,38.5%)
Chingching Chang, 2011, “Feeling Ambivalent About Going Green: Implications for Green Advertising Processing”, Journal of Advertising, 40(4), 19-32. (SSCI) (IF: 6.528; SSCI ranking: 31%,5.2%)
Chingching Chang, 2011, “Opinions From Others Like You: The Role of Perceived Source Similarity”, Media Psychology, 14(4), 415-441. (SSCI) (IF: 3.912; SSCI ranking: 24%,41%)
Chingching Chang, 2011, “The Effect of the Number of Product Subcategories on Perceived Variety and Shopping Experience in an Online Store”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 25(3), 159-168. (SSCI) (IF: 11.318; SSCI ranking: 6.5%)
Chingching Chang, 2011, “The effects of ad-induced and context-induced affect on online and offline judgments of health ads”, Asian Journal of Communication, 21(6), 523-543. (SSCI) (IF: 2.074; SSCI ranking: 65.6%)
Chingching Chang, 2011, “The Influence of Editorial Liking and Editorial-Induced Affect on Evaluations of Subsequent Ads: Individual Differences as Moderators.”, Journal of Advertising, 40(3), 43-58. (SSCI) (IF: 6.528; SSCI ranking: 31%,5.2%)
Chingching Chang, 2010, “Making unique choices or being like others: How priming self-concepts influences advertising effectiveness”, Psychology and Marketing, 27(4), 399-415. (SSCI) (IF: 5.507; SSCI ranking: 43.9%,21.7%)
Chingching Chang, 2010, “Message framing and interpersonal orientation at cultural and individual levels: Involvement as a Moderator”, International Journal of Advertising, 29(5), 765-794. (SSCI) (IF: 5.888; SSCI ranking: 39.4%,8.3%)
Chingching Chang, 2010, “The Effects of Retrieval Ease on Health Issue Judgments: Implications for Campaign Strategies”, Health Communication, 25(8), 670-680. (SSCI) (IF: 3.501; SSCI ranking: 31.3%,31.8%)
Chingching Chang, Hairong Li, 2010, “Why are childlike portrayals appealing in East Asia? A Cross-Cultural Comparison between Taiwan and the U.S.”, International Journal of Advertising, 29(3), 451-472. (SSCI) (IF: 5.888; SSCI ranking: 39.4%,8.3%)
Chingching Chang, 2009, “"Being Hooked" By Editorial Content: The Implications for Processing Narrative Advertising”, Journal of Advertising, 38(1), 21-34. (SSCI) (IF: 6.528; SSCI ranking: 31%,5.2%)
Chingching Chang, 2009, “Effectiveness of promotional premiums: The moderating role of affective state in different contexts”, Psychology and Marketing, 26(2), 175-194. (SSCI) (IF: 5.507; SSCI ranking: 43.9%,21.7%)
Chingching Chang, 2009, “Enhancing the Effectiveness of Antismoking Messages via Self-Congruent Appeals”, Health Communication, 24(1), 33-40. (SSCI) (IF: 3.501; SSCI ranking: 31.3%,31.8%)
Chingching Chang, 2009, “Masculinity and Cognitive Age Perception: An Examination of their Relationship and Implications for Advertising Persuasion”, SEX ROLES, 61(5-6), 434-447. (SSCI) (IF: 3.812; SSCI ranking: 31.3%,42.4%,11.4%)
Chingching Chang, 2009, “Psychological Motives Versus Health Concerns: Predicting Smoking Attitudes and Promoting Antismoking Attitudes”, Health Communication, 24(1), 1-11. (SSCI) (IF: 3.501; SSCI ranking: 31.3%,31.8%)
Chingching Chang, 2009, “Repetition Variation Strategies for Narrative Advertising”, Journal of Advertising, 38(3), 51-66. (SSCI) (IF: 6.528; SSCI ranking: 31%,5.2%)
Chingching Chang, 2008, “Ad framing effects for consumption products: An affect priming process”, Psychology and Marketing, 25(1), 24-46. (SSCI) (IF: 5.507; SSCI ranking: 43.9%,21.7%)
Chingching Chang, 2008, “Chronological Age Versus Cognitive Age For Younger Consumers: Implications for Advertising Persuasion”, Journal of Advertising, 37(3), 19-32. (SSCI) (IF: 6.528; SSCI ranking: 31%,5.2%)
Chingching Chang, 2008, “Increasing Mental Health Literacy via Narrative Advertising”, Journal of Health Communication, 13(1), 37-55. (SSCI) (IF: 2.742; SSCI ranking: 43.8%,47.1%)
Chingching Chang, 2008, “The Effectiveness of Using a Global Look in an Asian Market”, Journal of Advertising Research, 48(2), 199-214. (SSCI) (IF: 3.031; SSCI ranking: 74.8%,40.6%)
張卿卿,2007,〈Blurring the line between advertising and editorial: The content and effectiveness of advertorials〉,《管理評論》,第26卷第3期,頁55-78。
Chingching Chang, 2007, “Diagnostic Advertising Content and Individual Differences: Testing a Resource-Matching Perspective with a Taiwanese Sample”, Journal of Advertising, 36(3), 75-84. (SSCI) (IF: 6.528; SSCI ranking: 31%,5.2%)
Chingching Chang, 2007, “Ideal Self-Image Congruency as a Motivator for Smoking: The Moderating Effects of Personality Traits”, Health Communication, 22(1), 1-12. (SSCI) (IF: 3.501; SSCI ranking: 31.3%,31.8%)
Chingching Chang, 2007, “Politically Mobilizing vs. Demobilizing Media: A Mediation Model”, Asian Journal of Communication, 17(4), 362-380. (SSCI) (IF: 2.074; SSCI ranking: 65.6%)
Chingching Chang, 2007, “The Interplay of Candidate-Initiated and Journalist-Initiated Agendas in the 1996 and 2004 Taiwan Presidential Elections”, Asian Journal of Communication, 17(1), 1-23. (SSCI) (IF: 2.074; SSCI ranking: 65.6%)
Chingching Chang, 2007, “The Relative Effectiveness of Comparative and Noncomparative Advertising: Evidence for Gender Differences in Information-Processing Strategies”, Journal of Advertising, 36(1), 21-35. (SSCI) (IF: 6.528; SSCI ranking: 31%,5.2%)
Chingching Chang, 2006, “Beating the News Blues: Mood Repair Through Exposure to Advertising”, Journal of Communication, 56(1), 198-217. (SSCI) (IF: 5.75; SSCI ranking: 9.4%)
Chingching Chang, 2006, “Changing Smoking Attitudes by Strengthening Weak Antismoking Beliefs—Taiwan as an Example”, Journal of Health Communication, 11(8), 769-788. (SSCI) (IF: 2.742; SSCI ranking: 43.8%,47.1%)
Chingching Chang, 2006, “Context-induced and ad-induced affect: Individual differences as moderators”, Psychology and Marketing, 23(9), 757-782. (SSCI) (IF: 5.507; SSCI ranking: 43.9%,21.7%)
Chingching Chang, 2006, “Cultural Masculinity/Femininity Influences on Advertising Appeals”, Journal of Advertising Research, 46(3), 315-323. (SSCI) (IF: 3.031; SSCI ranking: 74.8%,40.6%)
Chingching Chang, 2006, “Enhancing Self-consciousness: Implications for the Effectiveness of Ad Appeals”, Advances in Consumer Research, 33, 503-508.
Ven-Hwei Lo, Chingching Chang, 2006, “Knowledge about the Gulf War: A Theoretical Model of Learning from the News”, Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, 11(3), 135-155.
Chingching Chang, 2006, “Seeing the small picture: Ad-self versus ad-culture congruency in international advertising”, Journal of Business and Psychology, 20(3), 445-465. (SSCI) (IF: 6.604; SSCI ranking: 29.7%,16.9%)
Chingching Chang, 2006, “The Influence of Masculinity and Femininity in Different Advertising Processing Contexts: An Accessibility Perspective”, Sex Roles, 55(5-6), 345-356. (SSCI) (IF: 3.812; SSCI ranking: 31.3%,42.4%,11.4%)
Chingching Chang, 2005, “Ad and Brand Evaluations in a Competitive Processing Context--The Effects of Number of Attributes and Repetition Strategies”, Advances in Consumer Research, 32, 548-553.
Chingching Chang, 2005, “Ad-self-congruency effects: Self-enhancing cognitive and affective mechanisms”, Psychology and Marketing, 22(11), 887-910. (SSCI) (IF: 5.507; SSCI ranking: 43.9%,21.7%)
Chingching Chang, 2005, “How Individuals Develop Brand Evaluations in Different Contexts--The Relative Impacts of Affect, Self-relevant Thoughts and Product Attribute Thoughts”, Advances in Consumer Research, 32, 106-111.
Chingching Chang, 2005, “Personal Values, Advertising, and Smoking Motivation in Taiwanese Adolescents”, Journal of Health Communication, 10(7), 621-634. (SSCI) (IF: 2.742; SSCI ranking: 43.8%,47.1%)
Chingching Chang, 2005, “The moderating influence of ad framing for ad-self-congruency effects”, Psychology and Marketing, 22(12), 955-968. (SSCI) (IF: 5.507; SSCI ranking: 43.9%,21.7%)
Chingching Chang, 2004, “Country of Origin as a Heuristic Cue: The Effects of Message Ambiguity and Product Involvement”, Media Psychology, 6(2), 169-192. (SSCI) (IF: 3.912; SSCI ranking: 24%,41%)
Chingching Chang, 2004, “How mood and ad-self-congruency affect the relative influence of hedonic ad appeals and utilitarian ad appeals on brand evaluations”, Advances in Consumer Research, 31, 721-727.
Chingching Chang, 2004, “Relative judgments in competitive contexts”, Advances in Consumer Research, 31, 700-707.
Chingching Chang, 2004, “The Interplay of Product Class Knowledge and Trial Experience in Attitude Formation”, Journal of Advertising, 33(1), 83-92. (SSCI) (IF: 6.528; SSCI ranking: 31%,5.2%)
Chingching Chang, 2004, “When does gender count: Further insights into gender schematic processing of female candidates' political advertisements”, SEX ROLES, 51, 197-208. (SSCI) (IF: 3.812; SSCI ranking: 31.3%,42.4%,11.4%)
Chingching Chang, 2003, “Party Bias in Political-Advertising Processing--Results from an Experiment Involving the 1998 Taipei Mayoral Election”, Journal of Advertising, 32(2), 55-67. (SSCI) (IF: 6.528; SSCI ranking: 31%,5.2%)
Chingching Chang, 2002, “Self-Congruency as a Cue in Different Advertising-Processing Contexts”, Communication Research, 29(5), 503-536. (SSCI) (IF: 6.3; SSCI ranking: 6.3%)
James C. Tsao , Chingching Chang, 2002, “Strategy in Taiwanese and U.S. corporate web pages: A cross‐cultural comparison”, Asian Journal of Communication, 12(2), 1-29. (SSCI) (IF: 2.074; SSCI ranking: 65.6%)
Chingching Chang, 2001, “The effects of personality differences on product evaluations”, Advances in Consumer Research, 28, 26-33.
Chingching Chang, 2001, “The Impacts of Emotion Elicited By Print Political Advertising on Candidate Evaluation”, Media Psychology, 3(2), 91-118. (SSCI) (IF: 3.912; SSCI ranking: 24%,41%)
Chingching Chang, 2000, “Political advertising in Taiwan and the US: Across‐cultural comparison of the 1996 presidential election campaigns”, Asian Journal of Communication, 10(1), 1-17. (SSCI) (IF: 2.074; SSCI ranking: 65.6%)
張卿卿,1999,〈女性候選人在選舉中的優劣勢─以八十六年台北縣縣長候選人周荃為例〉(he Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Female Candidate in Elections—An Exploration of the 1997 Taipei County Magistrate Election.),《選舉研究》,第6卷第1期,頁111-141。(TSSCI)
Chingching Chang, Hitchon Jacqueline, 1997, “Mass Media Impact on Voter Response to Women Candidates: Theoretical Development”, Communication Theory, 7(1), 29-52. (SSCI) (IF: 4.111; SSCI ranking: 22.9%)
Hitchon Jacqueline C., Chingching Chang, Harris Rhonda, 1997, “Should Women Emote? Perceptual Bias and Opinion Change in Response to Political Ads for Candidates of Different Genders”, Political Communication, 14(1), 49-69. (SSCI) (IF: 6.176; SSCI ranking: 7.3%,3.2%)
Hitchon Jacqueline C., Chingching Chang, 1995, “Effects of Gender Schematic Processing on the Reception of Political Commercials for Men and Women Candidates”, Communication Research, 22(4), 430-458. (SSCI) (IF: 6.3; SSCI ranking: 6.3%)
Chingching Chang,2019,〈Narrative Ads and Narrative Processing (40% new materials from 1st ed.)〉,Esther Thorson, Shelly Rodgers編,《Advertising Theory 2nd ed. New York: Routledge》,頁190-212,The US:Routledge。
Chingching Chang, 2012, “Narrative Ads and Narrative Processing”, editor(s): E. Thorson and S. Rodgers, Advertising Theory, pp. 241-254, New York: Routledge.
Chingching Chang, 2009, “Political communication research in Taiwan”, editor(s): L. Willnat and Annette Aw, Political communication in Asia, pp. 72-92, New York: Routledge.
張卿卿,2004,〈政治傳播:美國傳統 vs. 台灣研究〉,翁秀琪主編編,《台灣傳播學的想像 A Survey of Communication Research in Taiwan》,頁-,台北:巨流。
Chingching Chang,accepted,〈Branded Entertainment as a Win–Win Strategy for Consumers and Advertisers〉,Nicolas Bowman編,《DeGruyter Handbook of Media Entertainment》。