研究領域: 移民、認同意識、跨境貿易
Email : wencc at gate.sinica.edu.tw
電話 : 02-2782-2191
Hui Yew-Foong, Wen-Chin Chang and Jayde Lin Roberts.,2018,〈SOJOURN Symposium on Mapping Chinese Rangoon: Place and Nation among the Sino-Burmese〉,《SOJOURN: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia》,第33卷第2期,頁397-413。(Scopus)
Wen-Chin Chang,2017,〈Military, Gender, and trade: The Story of Auntie Duan of the Northern Thai Borderlands〉,《Southeast Asian Studies》,第6卷第3期,頁423-445。(Scopus)
Chang Wen-Chin, 2017, “On the ‘New’ Burma Road: From Mule Caravans to Motorcycle Bands”, TRaNS: Trans -Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia, 5(2), 217-242. (Scopus)
Wen-Chin Chang, 2016, “Poverty and Migration from Burma: Within and Without Midi Z’s Film”, Independent Journal of Burmese Scholarship, 1(1), 43-85.
Chang Wen-Chin, 2013, “The Everyday Politics of the Underground Trade in Burma by the Yunnanese Chinese since the Burmese Socialist Era”, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 44(2), 292-314. (SSCI, A&HCI, Scopus) (IF: 0.673; SSCI ranking: 77.4%)
Wen-Chin Chang, 2009, “Venturing into ‘Barbarous’ Regions: Trans-border Trade among Migrant Yunnanese between Thailand and Burma, 1960-1980s”, JOURNAL OF ASIAN STUDIES, 68(2), 543-572. (SSCI, A&HCI, Scopus) (IF: 1.237; SSCI ranking: 40.5%)
Wen-Chin Chang, 2008, “The Interstitial Subjectivities of the Yunnanese Chinese in Thailand”, The Asia-Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 9 (2): 97-122.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2006, “Home away from Home: The Migrant Yunnanese in Northern Thailand”, International Journal of Asian Studies, 3(1), 49-76.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2006, “The Trading Culture of Jade Stones among the Yunnanese in Burma and Thailand”, Journal of Chinese Overseas, 2(2), 269-293.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2005, “Invisible Warriors: The Migrant Yunnanese Women in Northern Thailand”, Kolor: Journal on Moving Communities, 5(2), 49-70.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2004, “Guanxi and Regulation in Network: The Yunnanese Jade Trade between Burma and Thailand, 1962-88”, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 35(3), 479-501. (SSCI, A&HCI, Scopus) (IF: 0.673; SSCI ranking: 77.4%)
Wen-Chin Chang, 2003, “Three Yunnanese Jade Traders from Tengchong”, Kolor, Journal on Moving Communities, 3(1), 15-34.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2002, “Identification of Leadership among the KMT Yunnanese Chinese in Northern Thailand ”, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 33(1), 123-146. (SSCI, A&HCI, Scopus) (IF: 0.673; SSCI ranking: 77.4%)
Wen-Chin Chang, 2001, “From War Refugees to Immigrants: The Case of the KMT Yunnanese Chinese in Northern Thailand”, INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION REVIEW, 35(4), 1086-1105. (SSCI) (IF: 3.96; SSCI ranking: 26.7%)
Wen-Chin Chang, 2014, Beyond Borders: Stories of Yunnanese Chinese Migrants of Burma, 296 pages, Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2015, “Circulations via Tangyan, a Town in the Northern Shan State of Burma”, editor(s): Eric Tagliacozzo, Helen F. Siu, Peter C. Perdue, Asia Inside Out: Connected Places, pp. 243-270, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2014, “By Sea and by Land: Stories of Two Chinese Traders”, editor(s): Wen-Chin Chang and Eric Tagliacozzo, Burmese Lives: Ordinary Life Stories under the Burmse Regime, pp. 174-199, New York: Oxford University Press.
Eric Tagliacozzo and Wen-Chin Chang, 2014, “Introduction: Burmese Lives in a Divided State”, editor(s): Wen-Chin Chang and Eric Tagliacozzo, Burmese Lives: Ordinary Life Stories under the Burmse Regime, pp. 3-21, New York: Oxford University Press.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2011, “From a Shiji Episode to the Forbidden Jade Trade during the Socialist Regime in Burma”, editor(s): Eric Tagliacazzo and Wen-Chin Chang, Chinese Circulations: Capital, Commodities, and Networks in Southeast Asia, pp. 455-479, Durham, USA: Duke University Press.
Wen-Chin Chang and Eric Tagliacozzo, 2011, “Introduction: The Arc of Historical Commercial Relations between China and Southeast Asia”, editor(s): Eric Tagliacazzo and Wen-Chin Chang, Chinese Circulations: Capital, Commodities, and Networks in Southeast Asia, pp. 1-17, Durham: Duke University Press.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2006, “Invisible Warriors: The Migrant Yunnanese Women in Northern Thailand”, editor(s): Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao, The Frontiers of Southeast Asia and Pacific Studies, pp. 35-62, Taipei: Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, RCHSS, Academia Sinica.
Wen-Chin Chang, 1998, “The Kuomintang Yunnanese Chinese of Northern Thailand ”, editor(s): Johan Leman, The Dynamic of Emerging Ethnicities, pp. 35-55, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Wen-Chin Chang,2017,〈Clandestine Travel across the Sino-Burmese Border during the Cold War〉,發表於EruoSEAS 2017,Oxford:Oxford University,2017-08-16 ~ 2017-08-18。
Wen-Chin Chang, 2016, “Yunnanese Chinese traders and Rotating Markets in northern Shan State of Burma”, paper presented at International Conference of dynamic Borderlands: Livelihoods, Communities and Flows, Kathmandu, Nepal: Asia Borderlands Research Network, 2016-12-12 ~ 2016-12-14.
Wen-Chin Chang,2015,〈Cross-border movement between Burma and China during the Cold War〉,發表於SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES IN ASIA (SEASIA) 2015 CONFERENCE,Kyoto:Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto,2015-12-12 ~ 2015-12-13。
Wen-Chin Chang, 2015, “Poverty and Migration from Burma: Within and Without Midi Z’s Films”, paper presented at The Ethnic Chinese of Myanmar: A Multidisciplinary Workshop, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 2015-08-28.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2014, “Military, Gender and Trade: Story of Auntie Duan from Northern Thai Borderlands”, paper presented at Activated Borders: Re-openings, Ruptures and Relationships, Hong Kong: Asia Borderlands Research Network, 2014-12-08 ~ 2014-12-10.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2014, “Beyond Borders: Flows of People, Goods, Capital and Intelligence via Mt. Loijie in Northern Shan State of Burma”, paper presented at 2014 Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Philadelphia: Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, 2014-03-27 ~ 2014-03-30.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2014, “Military, Gender, and Trade: The Story of Auntie Duan of the Northern Thai Borderlands”, paper presented at JSPS Asian Core Program Final Workshop, Asian Connections: Southeast Asian Model for Co-Existence in the 21st Century, Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, 2014-02-10 ~ 2014-02-11.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2013, “Circulations via Shwe-Myo-Taw, a town in the northern Shan State of Burma”, paper presented at The 7th EuroSEAS Conference, Lisbon, Portugal: School of Social and Political Sciences, ISCSP University of Lisbon, 2013-07-2 ~ 2013-07-05.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2013, “Craving, Crafting and Contrasting: Memories of Home Place in Northern Burma”, paper presented at 2013 Asian CORE Workshop on Interface, Negotiation, and Interaction in Southeast Asia, Kyoto, Japan: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, 2013-03-11.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2012, “On the New Burma Road: Smuggling of Motorcycles from China”, paper presented at Workshop on Social Formation of Southeast Asian Frontiers, Seoul, Korea: Sogang University, 2012-10-25 ~ 2012-10-26.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2012, “On the Burma Road, from Mules to Vehicles”, paper presented at Association for Asian Studies, 2012, Toronto, Canada: Association for Asian Studies, 2012-03-15 ~ 2012-02-18.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2012, “Yunnanese Migrant Women Traders: Stories of Two Sisters from Burma”, paper presented at Workshop on Interface, Negotiation, and Interaction in Southeast Asia, Academia Sinica, Taipei: Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, 2012-02-28 ~ 2012-02-29.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2011, “The Everyday Politics of the Underground Trade by the Yunnanese Chinese Migrants in Burma since the Socialist Era”, paper presented at Association for Asian Studies, 2011, Hawaii: Association for Asian Studies, 2011-03-31 ~ 2011-04-03.
Chang Wen-Chin , 2010, “Transcending Gendered Geography. Yunnanese Woman Traders in Burma”, 35 pages, paper presented at Asian Borderlands: Enclosure, Interaction and Transformation, Chiang Mai, Thailand: Chiang Mai University, 2010-11-05 ~ 2010-11-07.
Chang Wen-Chin, 2010, “By Sea and By Land: Stories of Two Chinese Traders”, paper presented at Burmese Lives: Ordinary Life Stories under the Burmese Regime, 哈佛大學: 哈佛燕京學社與本中心, 2010-06-04 ~ 2010-06-05.
張雯勤, 2010, “從雲南移民的走私貿易看緬甸的日常政治”, paper presented at 日常生活的政治:跨文化與跨界的對話, 暨南大學人類學所: 暨南大學人類學所, 2010-05-14 ~ 2010-05-15.
Chang Wen-Chin, 2010, “Yunnanese in Thai-Burmese Borderland”, paper presented at Writing Radically Different Southeast Asia: From Non-State Centered Perspective, 京都大學東南亞研究中心: 京都大學東南亞研究中心, 2010-02-26 ~ 2010-02-27.
Chang Wen-Chin , 2009, “Ael Myao: The Story of a Migrant Yunnanese Woman from Burma”, paper presented at Association for Asian Studies, 2009, Chicago: Association for Asian Studies, 2009-03-26 ~ 2009-03-29.
Chang Wen-Chin , 2008, “Father and Son: The Life History of Two Kokang Chinese in Burma”, paper presented at Biannual International Burma Studies Conference, Northern Illinois University: Biannual International Burma Studies Conference, 2008-10-03 ~ 2008-10-05.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2008, “Circulations of the Jade Trade among the Migrant Yunnanese from Burma and Thailand”, paper presented at Politics of Neighborhood in Asia, Cambridge, USA: Harvard University, 2008-04-26.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2008, “Jade Trade from Burma since 1988”, paper presented at Association for Asian Studies, 2008, Atlanta: Association for Asian Studies, 2008-04-03 ~ 2008-04-06.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2007, “Venturing into ‘Barbarous Regions: Trans-border Trade among Migrant Yunnanese between Thailand and Burma, 1960s-1980s”, paper presented at Beyond Intellectual and Political Boundaries: Southeast Asian Studies in the 21st Century, Quebec, Canada: Canadian Council for Southeast Asian Studies, 2007-10-18 ~ 2007-10-21.
Eric Tagliacozzo and Wen-Chin Chang, 2007, “Chinese Circulations: Capital, Commodities and Networks in Southeast Asia”, paper presented at East Asian Perspectives on Souteast Asia: Taiwan and Japan in Focus, Taipei: Center of Asia-Pacific Area Studies, Academia Sinica, 2007-09-19 ~ 2007-09-20.
Eric Tagliacozzo, Wen-Chin Chang, 2007, “Chinese Circulations: Capital, Commodities and Networks in Southeast Asia”, paper presented at East Asian Perspectives on Southeast Asia: Taiwan and Japan in Focus, Taipei: Center of Asia-Pacific Area Studies, Academia Sinica, 2007-09-19 ~ 2007-09-20.
Wen-Chin Chang , 2007, “A Way of Life: Trans-border Trade among Migrant Yunnanese between Thailand and Burma, 1960s-1980s”, paper presented at Workshop on Thai Studies, Taipei, Taiwan: Center of Asia-Pacific Area Studies, Academia Sinica, 2007-05-11.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2007, “Venturing into ‘Barbarous Regions: Trans-border Trade among Migrant Yunnanese between Thailand and Burma, 1960s-1980s”, paper presented at International Workshop Building East Asian Networks on Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto, Japan: Center for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University, 2007-03-14.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2007, “Venturing into ‘Barbarous Regions: Trans-border Trade among Migrant Yunnanese between Thailand and Burma, 1960s-1980s”, paper presented at International Workshop Building East Asian Networks on Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, Japan: Center for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University, 2007-03-14.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2007, “Introduction of the Last Workshop and This Workshop”, paper presented at Workshop on Chinese Traders in the Nanyang: Capital, Commodities and Networks, CAPAS, Academia Sinica, Taipei: CAPAS, RCHSS,Academia Sinica, 2007-01-18 ~ 2007-01-19.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2007, “Introduction of the Last Workshop and This Workshop.” Workshop on Chinese Traders in the Nanyang: Capital, Commodities and Networks”, paper presented at Workshop on Chinese Traders in the Nanyang: Capital, Commodities and Networks, Taipei, Taiwan: Center of Asia-Pacific Area Studies, RCHSS, Academia Sinica, 2007-01-18 ~ 2007-01-19.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2006, “ The Interstitial Subjectivities of the Yunnanese Chinese in Thailand ”, paper presented at Third Biennial International Conference, Gwalior, India: the Indian Association for Asian & Pacific Studies, 2006-10-13 ~ 2006-10-15.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2006, “The Interstitial Subjectivities of the Yunnanese Chinese in Thailand”, paper presented at the Indian Association for Asian & Pacific Studies, Gwalior, India: Indian Association for Asian & Pacific Studies, 2006-10-13 ~ 2006-10-15.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2006, “A Way of Life: Trans-border Trade among Migrant Yunnanese between Thailand and Buram, 1960s-1980s”, paper presented at the Biennial International Burma Studies Conference--Communities of Interpretation, National University of Singapore: Asia Research Institute, 2006-07-13 ~ 2006-07-15.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2006, “A Way of Life: Trans-border Trade among Migrant Yunnanese between Thailand and Burma, 1960s-1980s ”, paper presented at the Biennial International Burma Studies Conference--Communities of Interpretation, Singapore: Asian Research Institute, National University of Singapore, 2006-07-13 ~ 2006-07-15.
張雯勤, 2005, “From a Shiji Episode to the Forbidden jade Trade during the Socialist Regime in Burma”, paper presented at Ethnic Chinese Merchants and Chinese Capitalism in Southeast Asia: a History through Commodities, Taipei, Taiwan: Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, RCHSS, Academia Sinica, 2005-12-19 ~ 2005-12-20.
張雯勤, 2005, “Invisible Warriors: The Migrant Yunnanese Women in Northern Thailand”, paper presented at New Frontiers of Southeast Asia and Pacific Studies, Asia-Pacific Area Studies, 台北市: 中研院, 2005-11-24 ~ 2005-11-25.
張雯勤, 2005, “The Trading Culture of Jade Stones among the Yunnanese in Burma and Thailand, 1960s to 1980s”, paper presented at International Conference on Transborder Issues in the Greater Mekong Sub-region, Ubon Rachathani, Mekong Sub-region Social Research Center, Ubon Rachatani University, (缺), 2005-06-30 ~ 2005-07-02.
張雯勤, 2005, “Home away from Home: The Migrant Yunnanese Chinese in Northern Thailand”, paper presented at The Myanmar Historical Commission 50th Anniversary Conference, Yangon: (缺), 2005-01-12 ~ 2005-01-14.
張雯勤,2015,〈2015台灣民族誌影展5之4影評:垃圾推中的夢想(Dustin Bin Dreams)〉,《芭樂人類學》,,。
張雯勤,2015,〈當陽的流轉: 一段輝煌的跨境貿易歷史〉,《當陽的流轉: 一段輝煌的跨境貿易歷史》,,。
張雯勤,2013,〈2013台灣民族誌影展影評:吉普賽的故事(Roma Stories)〉,《芭樂人類學》,,。
張雯勤, 2010, “從雲南移民的走私貿易看緬甸的日常政治”, 南向, 10,17-19.
Wen-Chin Chang, 2004, “2004 “Research on the Yunnanese Jade Trade between Burma and Thailand, 1960s to 1980s ”, Asia-Pacific Forum, 23:193-201.
Wen-Chin Chang and Eric Tagliacozzo, 2014, Burmese Lives: Ordinary Life Stories under the Burmse Regime, 268 pages, New York: Oxford University Press.
Eric Tagliacazzo and Wen-Chin Chang, 2011, Chinese Circulations: Capital, Commodities, and Networks in Southeast Asia, 534 pages, Durham, USA: Duke University Press.
Wen-Chin Chang,2018,〈Book review: Chinese in Colonial Burma: A Migrant Community in a Multiethnic State〉,《SOJOURN: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia》,33(3)。
Wen-Chin Chang, 2017, “Book review: Chinese Encounters in Southeast Asia: How People, Money, and Ideas from China are Changing a Region”, Journal of Burma Studies, 21(2), 401-413.
Wen-Chin Chang,2010,〈Book review: 金三角國軍血淚史 1950-1981〉,《New Frontiers in Asian Scholarship, Harvard-Yenching Institute》,第00卷,頁00。