



研究領域: 調查方法研究、家庭研究、勞動研究、性別研究

Email : yurr at gate.sinica.edu.tw

電話 : 02-2789-8195

  1. Cheng, Hao-Chun*, Ruoh-Rong Yu, accepted, “Earn More, Bear Less? The Relationship between Wives' Share of Income and Subsequent Fertility: Evidence from Taiwan”, Journal of Comparative Family Studies. (SSCI) (IF: 1.7; SSCI ranking: 65.2%)

  2. 詹慶恩*、于若蓉、洪琮瑋,2024,〈臺灣公私部門受僱者工作滿意度差異之分析:兼論年資的調節效應〉(Differences in Job Satisfaction among Public and Private Sector Employees in Taiwan: Sector-specific Tenure as a Moderator),《人文及社會科學集刊》,36(5), 1133-1179。(TSSCI)

  3. Kuo, Chun-Tung*, Yu Ruoh-Rong, 2024, “Association of National Identity and Trust in Government with COVID-19 Vaccination and Brand Choice in Taiwan”, Journal of Community Health, 49, 967-976. (SSCI) (IF: 5.9; SSCI ranking: 5.7%,9.9%)

  4. 杜素豪*、于若蓉、洪琮瑋,2023,〈追蹤調查中問卷回答品質的混合模式效應〉(Mode Effects on Response Behaviors in a Mixed-mode Survey),《調查研究—方法與應用》,51, 57-117。(TSSCI)

  5. 于若蓉*、杜素豪,2022,〈網路調查的注意力檢測對題項回應時間與問卷完填的影響〉(The Effects of Attention Checks on Item Response Latency and Questionnaire Completion),《調查研究—方法與應用》,48, 7-46。(TSSCI)

  6. 于若蓉*、廖培珊,2021,〈同居題項設計:家庭動態調查追蹤資料的研究〉(Design of Cohabitation Question: Findings from the Panel Study of Family Dynamics),《調查研究—方法與應用》,47, 7-43。(TSSCI)

  7. Stark, Tobias*, Henning Silber, Jon A. Krosnick, Annelies G. Blom, Midori Aoyagi, Ana Belchior, Michael Bosnjak, Sanne Lund Clement, Melvin John, Guðbjörg Andrea Jónsdóttir, Karen Lawson, Peter Lynn, Johan Martinsson, Ditte Shamshiri-Petersen, Endre Tvinnereim, Ruoh-rong Yu, 2020, “Generalization of Classic Question Order Effects across Cultures”, Sociological Methods & Research, 49(3), 567-602. (SSCI) (IF: 4.677; SSCI ranking: 15.1%,12%)

  8. 于若蓉*、陳婉琪,2020,〈已婚女性相對收入與家庭滿意度〉,《人口學刊》,60, 1-41。(TSSCI)

  9. Hsu, Chih-Yuan, Yi-Hau Chen, Ruoh-Rong Yu, Tsung-Wei Hung, 2020, “Assessing Wage Status Transition and Stagnation Using Quantile Transition Regression”, Annals of Applied Statistics, 14(1), 160-177. (SCIE) (IF: 1.959; SCI ranking: 36.8%)

  10. 于若蓉、黃奕嘉,2018,〈家庭動態調查:樣本結構、問卷內容、資料外釋與應用〉,《中國統計學報》,56(4), 98-115。(CIS、JEL、EconLit)

  11. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, Yu-Sheng Liu, Meng-Li Yang, 2014, “Does Interviewer Personality Matter for Survey Outcomes? Evidence from a Face-to-face Panel Study of Taiwan”, 調查研究 --- 方法與應用, 31, 89-121. (TSSCI)

  12. 章英華、于若蓉,2014,〈家庭结构的持续与变迁——海峡两岸老年人居住安排的比较〉,《社会学研究》,29(3), 167-188。(CSSCI)

  13. Yang, Meng-Li, Ruoh-Rong Yu, 2011, “Effects of Identifiers in Mail Surveys”, Field Methods, 23(3), 243-265. (SSCI) (IF: 1.782; SSCI ranking: 36.6%,59.8%)

  14. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, Lung-An Li, 2011, “Imputation of Non-ignorable Nonresponses for Income: Analysis of a Panel Study on Taiwan”, Quality & Quantity, 45(4), 875-884.

  15. Yang, Meng-Li, Ruoh-Rong Yu, 2011, “Exploring the Relationship between Telephone Interviewers’ Psychological Traits and Performance”, 調查研究—方法與應用, 25, 7-46.

  16. Chu, C. Y. Cyrus, Yu Xie, Ruoh-rong Yu, 2011, “Coresidence with Elderly Parents: A Comparative Study of Southeast China and Taiwan”, Journal of Marriage and Family, 73(1), 120-135. (SSCI) (IF: 4.917; SSCI ranking: 6.3%,9.3%)

  17. 于若蓉,2009,〈社會網絡與勞動市場表現:臺灣資料的分析〉,《臺灣社會學》,18, 95-137。(TSSCI)

  18. Yang, Meng-Li, Ruoh-Rong Yu, 2008, “The Interviewer Effect When There is an Education Gap with the Respondent: Evidence from a Survey on Biotechnology in Taiwan”, Social Science Research, 37(4), 1321-1331. (SSCI) (IF: 2.617; SSCI ranking: 38.7%)

  19. Chu, C.Y. Cyrus, Ruey Tsay, Ruoh-Rong Yu, 2008, “Intergenerational Transmission of Sex-Specific Differential Treatments: The Allocation of Education Resources among Siblings”, Social Science Research, 37(2), 386-399. (SSCI) (IF: 2.617; SSCI ranking: 38.7%)

  20. 郭炳伸、曹添旺、于若蓉、藍青玉、陳致綱,2007,〈臺灣經濟學期刊之再評比〉,《經濟論文》,35(3), 345-380。(TSSCI)

  21. 劉育昇、于若蓉,2007,〈工作團隊內的同儕效果:台灣房屋仲介經紀人的分析〉,《經濟論文叢刊》,35(2), 183-212。(TSSCI)

  22. Chu, C.Y. Cyrus, Yu Xie, Ruoh-Rong Yu, 2007, “Effects of Sibship Structure Revisited: Evidence from Intra-family Resource Transfer in Taiwan”, Sociology of Education, 80(2), 91-113. (SSCI) (IF: 4.619; SSCI ranking: 12.2%,12.7%)

  23. 于若蓉,2005,〈樣本流失與勞動參與:華人家庭動態資料庫的分析〉,《調查研究—方法與應用》,第18期,頁45-72。

  24. 于若蓉、劉育昇,2004,〈給薪制度在工作團隊內的誘因效果〉,《經濟論文叢刊》,34(2), 395-416。(TSSCI)

  25. 于若蓉,2004,〈私人受雇者轉換自營作業工作決策 —「不景氣-推擠」效果假說〉,《經濟論文叢刊》,第32卷第1期,頁63-96。(TSSCI)

  1. Chu, C.Y. Cyrus, Ruoh-Rong Yu, 2010, Understanding Chinese Families: A Comparative Study of Taiwan and Southeast China, 279 pages, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

  1. Yu, Ruoh-Rong*, Ming-Chang Tsai, 2021, “Retirement Timing and Post-retirement Employment in Taiwan.”, editor(s): Xinxin Ma, Employment, Retirement and Lifestyle in Aging East Asia, pp. 257-281, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.

  2. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, Yu-Sheng Liu, 2014, “Change and Continuity in the Experience of Marriage in Taiwan”, editor(s): Deborah S. Davis, Sara L. Friedman, Wives, Husbands, and Lovers: Marriage and Sexuality in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Urban China, pp. 239-261, CA: Stanford University Press.

  3. 朱敬一、于若蓉,2012,〈變遷中的臺灣家庭:自經濟研究的觀點剖析〉,廖炳惠、孫康宜、王德威編,《臺灣及其脈絡》,頁3-34,臺北:國立臺灣大學出版中心。

  4. Chang, Fu, Jeng-Cheng Chen, Chan-Cheng Liu, Chia-Hsiung Liu, Meng-Li Yang, Ruoh-Rong Yu, 2011, “Identifying the Critical Features that Affect the Job Performance of Survey Interviewers”, editor(s): TAAI, 2011 Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI) Conference Proceedings, pp. 149-154, NY: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

  5. 于若蓉、辛炳隆,2010,〈原住民就業狀況與政策分析〉,黃樹民、章英華編,《台灣原住民的現況與未來》,頁121-179,臺北:中央研究院民族學研究所。

  6. Chu, C.Y. Cyrus, Ruoh-Rong Yu, 2007, “Kinship Networks and Intergenerational Transfers”, editor(s): A. H. Gauthier, C. C. Cyrus Chu, S. Tuljapurkar, Allocating Public and Private Resources across Generations: Riding the Age Waves, Vol.2, pp. 39-61, Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.

  1. 于若蓉, 陶宏麟, 鄭輝培*, 2024, “Retirement and Life Satisfaction: A Cross-Country Comparison”, paper presented at 台灣經濟學會 2024 年年會, 國立中正大學管理學院: 台灣經濟學會, 2024-11-29 ~ 2024-11-30.

  2. 于若蓉、杜素豪*, 2024, “Differences in survey attitudes and motivations between frequent and less frequent participants in online surveys: Findings from Taiwan”, paper presented at 「2024 調查研究:方法、應用與新發展」學術研討會, 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心: 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心調查研究專題中心, 2024-08-22 ~ 2024-08-23.

  3. 鄭輝培*、于若蓉、陶宏麟, 2024, “Retirement and life satisfaction: A cross-country comparison”, paper presented at 「2024 調查研究:方法、應用與新發展」學術研討會, 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心: 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心調查研究專題中心, 2024-08-22 ~ 2024-08-23.

  4. 郭盈旻*、于若蓉、鄭輝培、陶宏麟, 2023, “Gender Differences in Life Satisfaction after Retirement in Taiwan”, paper presented at 2023 年臺灣經濟學會年會, 臺北大學社會科學院: 臺灣經濟學會, 2023-12-02.

  5. Cheng, Hao-Chun*, Ruoh-Rong Yu, 2023, “Money and Power: Exploring the Relationship between Wife’s Share of Income and Decision-Making among Married Couples in Taiwan”, 23 pages, paper presented at 2023年臺灣人口學年會暨「人口結構的挑戰與政策省思」研討會, 臺灣大學社會科學院: 臺灣人口學會, 2023-04-28 ~ 2023-04-29.

  6. Cheng, Hao-Chun*, Ruoh-Rong Yu, 2023, “Money and Power: Exploring the Relationship between Wives’ Share of Income and Household Decision-Making in Taiwan”, 23 pages, paper presented at International Conference on Continuity and Changes in Families in East Asia, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica: Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences and Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, 2023-03-24 ~ 2023-03-25.

  7. Ruoh-Rong Yu*, Su-Hao Tu, 2022, “Frequency of Attending Surveys and Attitudes toward Surveys and Data: Findings from a Probability-based Online Survey in Taiwan”, paper presented at Workshop “Survey Climate and Trust in Scientific Surveys – Recent Developments and Controversial Issues”, Germany: University of Kassel, 2022-10-04 ~ 2022-10-05.

  8. Tu, Su-Hao*, Ruoh-Rong Yu, Tsung-Wei Hung, 2022, “Mixed-Mode Effects on Subjective Well-being by Education and Age”, paper presented at 2022 International Conference on Method Triangulation: Implications for Social Science Research, virtual conference: Center for Survey Research, Academia Sinica, 2022-08-18 ~ 2022-08-19.

  9. Ruoh-Rong Yu*, Su-Hao Tu, 2022, “Respondents’ Response Behaviors for Attention Checks in Online Surveys”, paper presented at 2022 International Conference on Method Triangulation: Implications for Social Science Research, virtual conference: Center for Survey Research, Academia Sinica, 2022-08-18 ~ 2022-08-19.

  10. Ruoh-Rong Yu*, Su-Hao Tu, 2022, “The Effects of Attention Checks on Item Response Time and Questionnaire Completion”, paper presented at Current Innovations in Probability-based Household Internet Panel Research (CIPHER), virtual conference: University of Southern California, 2022-03-03 ~ 2022-03-04.

  11. Tu, Su-Hao*, Ruoh-Rong Yu, Tsung-Wei Hung, 2021, “Mixed-mode Effects on Subjective Well-being: A Propensity Score Matching Analysis of Panel Data”, paper presented at WAPOR 74rd Annual Conference and WAPOR LATAM 9th Congress, Speaking Truth to Power: Public Opinion in a Time of Crisis, virtual conference: World Association for Public Opinion, 2021-11-02 ~ 2021-11-06.

  12. 于若蓉,2021,〈家庭動態資料庫介紹〉,發表於2021 臺灣社會學會年會,臺北:東吳大學社會學系,2021-11-27 ~ 2021-11-28。

  13. 詹慶恩*、于若蓉 、洪琮瑋,2021,〈臺灣公私部門受僱者工作滿意度差異之分析:兼論年資的調節效應〉,發表於2021 臺灣社會學會年會,臺北:東吳大學社會學系,2021-11-27 ~ 2021-11-28。

  14. Tu, Su-Hao*, Ruoh-Rong Yu, Tsung-Wei Hung, 2021, “Propensity Score Analysis of the Mixed-mode Effects of a Panel Survey”, paper presented at International Conference on Social Science Methodology (RC33), virtual conference: RC33, International Sociological Association (ISA), 2021-09-07 ~ 2021-09-10.

  15. 杜素豪*、于若蓉、洪琮瑋,2021,〈混合模式調查品質的模式效應〉,發表於「2021 調查研究方法與應用」學術研討會:調查方法的挑戰與新興議題,臺北:中央研究院人文社會科學中心調查研究專題中心,2021-09-02 ~ 2021-09-03。

  16. Yu, Ruoh-Rong*, Hao-Chun Cheng, 2021, “The Effects of Husbands' and Wives' Relative Resources and Housework on Subsequent Childbearing: Findings from the Panel Study of Family Dynamics”, paper presented at 2021「家庭生命歷程的現況與變遷」學術研討會, 臺北: 中央研究院民族學研究所, 2021-08-20.

  17. 于若蓉,2021,〈家庭動態調查介紹:樣本結構、問卷內容與資料取得〉,發表於2021 臺灣人口學會年會,臺北:臺灣大學公共衛生學院,2021-04-24。

  18. Yu, Ruoh-Rong*, Wan-Chi Chen, 2020, “Married Men’s and Women’s Happiness with Working Hours: Findings from the Taiwan Panel Study of Family Dynamics”, paper presented at 2020 臺灣經濟學會年會, 臺北: 淡江大學, 2020-12-12.

  19. Tu, Su-Hao*, Ruoh-Rong Yu, Tsung-Wei Hung, 2020, “Mixed-mode Effect on Happiness Using Propensity Scores Matching”, paper presented at World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) 73rd Annual Conference and WAPOR LATAM 9th Congress, virtual conference: World Association for Public Opinion Research, 2020-10-06 ~ 2020-10-10.

  20. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, 2020, “Domestic Work, Relative Resources, and Subsequent Birth of married Couples in Taiwan: Findings from the Panel Study of Family Dynamics”, paper presented at The International Conference on Changing Family Life in East Asia, Taipei: Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, 2020-09-24 ~ 2020-09-26.

  21. 詹慶恩*、于若蓉、洪琮瑋,2020,〈台灣公私部門受雇者工作滿意度差異之分析─兼論年齡調節之效應〉,發表於2020臺灣人口學會年會暨「人口變遷與健康福祉」學術研討會,臺北:國立臺灣大學公共衛生學院,2020-09-19 ~ 2020-09-20。

  22. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, 2019, “The Association between Work Hours and Wellbeing of Married Women in Taiwan”, paper presented at The International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies 17th Annual Conference, Granada, Spain: University of Granada, 2019-09-05 ~ 2019-09-07.

  23. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, 2019, “Whether Interviewer Gender Matters for Interaction Relationship between Interviewer and Respondent: Findings from a Longitudinal Survey of Taiwan”, paper presented at 2019 International Conference and Workshop on Survey Research Methodology, Taipei: Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, 2019-08-07 ~ 2019-08-09.

  24. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, 2019, “Effects of Interviewer Gender on Interaction Relationship between Interviewer and Respondent: Findings from a Household Survey of Taiwan”, paper presented at The 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Croatia, Zagreb: University of Zagreb, 2019-07-15 ~ 2019-07-19.

  25. 于若蓉,2019,〈同居題項設計:家庭動態資料庫的研究〉,發表於2019臺灣人口學會年會暨「人口老化、家庭與照護」研討會,臺北:輔仁大學,2019-04-19 ~ 2019-04-20。

  26. Yu, Ruoh-Rong,2018,〈The Design of Cohabitation Question and Its Answers〉,發表於2018調查研究方法與應用學術研討會,臺北:中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心調查研究專題中心,2018-10-04 ~ 2018-10-05。

  27. 于若蓉,2018,〈夫妻相對收入與家庭滿意度:臺灣「家庭動態調查」追蹤資料的分析〉,發表於「當代家庭之議題與樣貌」學術研討會,臺北:中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心調查研究專題中心,2018-08-30 ~ 2018-08-31。

  28. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, 2018, “Changes in Cohabitation Question on Its Answers: Evidence from a Panel Study of Taiwan”, paper presented at The Second International Conference on the Methodology of Longitudinal Surveys, Colchester: University of Essex, 2018-07-25 ~ 2018-07-27.

  29. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, 2018, “Spousal Income on Married People's Happiness: Evidence from a Panel Study of Taiwan”, paper presented at The International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS) 16th Annual Conference, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2018-06-14 ~ 2018-06-16.

  30. 于若蓉,2018,〈追蹤調查資料:臺灣家庭動態調查及相關調查〉,發表於第27屆南區統計研討會,臺南:國立成功大學統計學系,2018-06-29 ~ 2018-06-30。

  31. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, 2018, “Public Attitudes toward Surveys and Personal Data: Evidence from an In-person Survey of Taiwan”, paper presented at 2018 WAPOR-ASIA Conference in Taipei, Taipei: Howard Civil Service International House, 2018-05-25 ~ 2018-05-26.

  32. 于若蓉,2018,〈夫妻相對收入對已婚人口婚姻品質的影響:臺灣「家庭動態調查」追蹤資料的分析〉,發表於2018臺灣人口學會年會暨「人口結構的轉變與轉機:年齡、性/別與族群」學術研討會,臺北:國立政治大學,2018-04-13 ~ 2018-04-14。

  33. Hsu, Chih-Yuan, Yi-Hau Chen, Ruoh-Rong Yu, Tsung-Wei Hung, 2017, “Assessing Income Dynamics and Stagnation Using Quantile Regression and Quantile Dynamics”, paper presented at 臺灣經濟學會2017年年會, 新竹: 國立清華大學, 2017-12-16.

  34. 于若蓉,2017,〈家庭動態資料庫:追蹤調查資料應用與兩岸比較研究〉,發表於華人家庭動態資料庫--資料使用工作坊,臺北:中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心,2017-10-20。

  35. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, Shu-Hui Hsieh, Ta-Chien Chan, 2017, “Effects of Monetary Incentive on Within-household Sampling and Interview Outcomes: Evidence from an Experimental Face-to-face Survey”, paper presented at The First RC33 Regional Conference on Social Science Methodology, Taipei: Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences (RCHSS), Academia Sinica, 2017-09-11 ~ 2017-09-14.

  36. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, 2017, “Introduction to Survey Research Data Archive of Taiwan”, paper presented at International Workshop on Social Science Data Archives, Taipei: Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences (RCHSS), Academia Sinica, 2017-09-15.

  37. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, 2017, “Public Attitudes toward Surveys and Personal Data: Evidence from an In-person Survey of Taiwan”, paper presented at WAPOR 70th Annual Conference, Lisbon, Portugal: The World Association for Public Opinion Research, 2017-07-15 ~ 2017-07-17.

  38. 于若蓉, 2016, “Sharing of Survey Data in Taiwan”, paper presented at 2016 資料協作專案工作坊, 臺北: 中央研院資訊科學研究所, 2016-12-08.

  39. 于若蓉,2016,〈臺灣已婚女性的市場工作時數對主觀福祉的影響〉,發表於2016 年「兩岸家庭研究」研討會,臺北:中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心,2016-08-29 ~ 2016-08-30。

  40. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, 2016, “Time Allocation and Wellbeing of Married Women”, paper presented at International Seminar on “Family, Life course and Wellbeing in Asia and Beyond”, Taipei: Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies (RCHSS), Academia Sinica, Taiwan, 2016-05-24 ~ 2016-05-25.

  41. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, 2015, “Introduction to the Survey Research Data Archive of Taiwan”, paper presented at PNC 2015 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings, Macau, China: Pacific Neighborhood Consortium, 2015-09-27 ~ 2015-09-29.

  42. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, 2015, “The Effect of Changes in Income Question on Income Nonresponse Rate --- Evidence from the Panel Study of Family Dynamics”, paper presented at 2015 調查研究方法與應用學術研討會, 臺北: 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心調查研究專題中心, 2015-09-03 ~ 2015-09-04.

  43. 于若蓉,2015,〈研究應用:兩岸比較研究與追蹤調查資料應用〉,發表於華人家庭動態資料庫--資料使用工作坊,臺北:中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心調查研究專題中心,2015-09-21。

  44. 王鴻龍、于若蓉,2015,〈結合交叉結構的多重反覆加權之研究〉,發表於 2015 調查研究方法與應用學術研討會,臺北:中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心調查研究專題中心,2015-09-03 ~ 2015-09-04。

  45. Chu, C.Y. Cyrus, Ming-Jen Lin, Ruoh-Rong Yu, 2015, “The 4-M Story of Intergenerational Transmission in Taiwan”, paper presented at Asian Family in Transition Conferences, Hong Kong, China: Center for the Economics of Human Development, University of Chicago, 2015-03-26.

  46. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, 2015, “Familial Support and Living Arrangement of the Elderly People in Taiwan”, paper presented at International Seminar: Population Aging in Eastern Asian Low Fertility Countries, Tokyo, Japan; Kyoto, Japan: National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, 2015-02-19 ~ 2015-02-20.

  47. 于若蓉,2014,〈台灣調查資料的保存與開放〉,發表於2014 開放資料工作坊,臺北:中央研究院資訊科學研究所,2014-11-07 ~ 2017-11-07。

  48. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, Yu-Sheng Liu, 2014, “Changes in Marital Power and Housework Division in Taiwan”, paper presented at 2014 「城鎮化進程中的經濟發展與家庭變遷」學術研討會, 中國蘭州: 中國社會科學院人口與勞動經濟研究所, 2014-09-11 ~ 2014-09-14.

  49. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, 2014, “The Effects of Consent Forms on the Likelihood of Refusal: Evidence from an Experiment Survey in Taiwan”, paper presented at 2014 World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) 67th Annual Conference., Nice, France: World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR), 2014-09-04 ~ 2014-09-06.

  50. 于若蓉、劉育昇, 2014, “Changes in Marital Power and Housework Division in Taiwan”, paper presented at 「台灣家庭研究:回顧與展望」研討會, 臺北: 中央研究院社會學研究所, 2014-07-11.

  51. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, 2014, “Whether Changes in Income Question Affect the Response Pattern? Evidence from a Panel Survey of Taiwan”, paper presented at 2014 Panel Survey Methods Workshop, Ann Arbor, Michigan: Survey Research Center, University of Michigan, 2014-05-19 ~ 2014-05-21.

  52. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, 2013, “The Taiwanese Panel Study of Family Dynamics (PSFD)”, paper presented at 2013 National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas: National Council on Family Relations (NCFR), 2013-11-05 ~ 2013-11-09.

  53. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, 2013, “The Current and Future Development of the Survey Research Data Archive”, paper presented at 2013 International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology Conference, Cologne: International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology, 2013-05-28 ~ 2013-05-31.

  54. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, 2012, “District-level Statistical Data of the Past Half Century in Taiwan: Demographic and Regional Development Statistics”, paper presented at Workshop on Community-based GIS, Taipei: Research Center for Humanities and Social Science (RCHSS), Academia Sinica, 2012-11-26.

  55. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, 2012, “The Practice and Future Development of the Survey Research Data Archive in Taiwan”, paper presented at The 23rd International CODATA Conference, Taipei: Academia Sinica, 2012-10-29.

  56. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, Yu-Sheng Liu, 2012, “The Relationship between Refusal Intentions and Data Quality: Evidence from the Panel Study of Family Dynamics”, paper presented at 2012 調查研究方法與應用學術研討會, 臺北: 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心調查研究專題中心, 2012-09-07.

  57. 于若蓉,2012,〈學術調查研究資料庫〉,發表於2012次級資料分析工作坊,中原大學特殊教育學系主辦,高雄:國立高雄師範大學,2012-09-06。

  58. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, Yu-Sheng Liu, 2012, “Association between Refusals and Data Quality: Evidence from a Panel Study of Taiwan”, paper presented at 2012 Panel Survey Methods Workshop, Melbourne, Australia: University of Melbourne, 2012-07-04 ~ 2012-07-05.

  59. 于若蓉,2012,〈臺灣家庭動態調查的質量控管〉,發表於2012年社會調查年會,北京:北京大學,2012-05-27 ~ 2012-05-29。

  60. Chang, Fu, Jeng-Cheng Chen, Chan-Cheng Liu, Chia-Hsiung Liu, Meng-Li Yang, Ruoh-Rong Yu, 2011, “Identifying the Critical Features that Affect the Job Performance of Survey Interviewers”, paper presented at Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI) 2011, Taoyuan, Taiwan: Taiwanese Association for Artificial Intelligence (TAAI), 2011-11-11 ~ 2011-11-13.

  61. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, Yu-Sheng Liu, Meng-Li Yang, 2011, “Does Interviewer Personality Matter for Survey Outcomes? Evidence from a Face-to-face Panel Study of Taiwan”, paper presented at World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) 64th Annual Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands: World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR), 2011-09-21 ~ 2011-09-23.

  62. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, Yu-Sheng Liu, 2011, “Changes in Gender Role Attitudes, Domestic Labor and Marital Power: Evidence from Repeated Cross-sectional and Panel Surveys of Taiwan”, paper presented at Workshop on "Marriage in Cosmopolitan China", 香港: 香港大學, 2011-07-05 ~ 2011-07-06.

  63. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, 2011, “The Past and Future of the Taiwan Panel Study of Family Dynamics”, paper presented at 「歷時調查的挑戰與創新」(Challenges and Innovations in Longitudinal Surveys) 第一屆國際學術會議, 北京: 北京大學中國社會科學調查中心和密西根大學調查研究中心, 2011-03-02 ~ 2011-03-03.

  64. Yu, Ruoh-Rong, Meng-Li Yang, Yu-Sheng Liu, 2010, “Interviewers' Traits and Survey Outcomes: Evidence from a Face-to-face Panel Study of Taiwan”, paper presented at 第十屆「調查研究方法與應用」國際學術研討會, 臺北: 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心調查研究專題中心, 2010-08-25 ~ 2010-08-26.

  65. Chu, C. Y. Cyrus, Yu Xie, Ruoh-Rong Yu, 2010, “Adult Children's Coresidence Choice in Southeast Coast China and Taiwan”, paper presented at 「2010 年人口變遷與社會發展」聯合研討會, 臺北: 國立臺灣大學, 2010-04-29 ~ 2010-04-30.

  66. Li, Lung-An, Ruoh-Rong Yu, Joey Han, 2009, “A Modifying Two-step GEE Method for Panel Data with Non-ignorable Non-responses — An Application to the Panel Study of Family Dynamics Survey”, paper presented at 第九屆「調查研究方法與應用」學術研討會, 臺北: 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心調查研究專題中心, 2009-09-11.

  67. Yang, Meng-Li, Ruoh-Rong Yu, 2009, “Exploring the Relationship between Interviewer Personality and Interviewer Performance”, paper presented at 第九屆「調查研究方法與應用」學術研討會, 臺北: 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心調查研究專題中心, 2009-09-11.

  68. 于若蓉,2008,〈社會網絡與勞動市場表現:台灣資料的分析〉,發表於2008 年臺灣社會學會年會,臺北:中央研究院,2008-12-13 ~ 2008-12-14。

  69. Li, Lung-An, Ruoh-Rong Yu, Joey Han, 2008, “A Modifying Two-step GEE Method for Panel Data with Non-ignorable Non-responses - An Example of the Panel Study of Family Dynamics”, paper presented at 第八屆「調查研究方法與應用」國際學術研討會, 臺北: 中央研究院人文社會科學館, 2008-09-11 ~ 2008-09-12.

  70. Yang, Meng-Li, Ruoh-Rong Yu, 2008, “I'll Tell You What I Really Think if You Don't Know Who I Am: The Effect of Identifying Codes in Mail Survey”, paper presented at 第八屆「調查研究方法與應用」國際學術研討會, 臺北: 中央研究院人文社會科學館, 2008-09-11 ~ 2008-09-12.

  71. Chang, Ying-Hwa, Ruoh-Rong Yu, 2008, “The Persistence and Change of Family Structure in China and Taiwan: A Comparative Study of Residential Arrangement of the Aged”, paper presented at RC06, Family Diversity and Gender, Lisbon, Portugal: ISA Research Committee on Family Research (CFR), 2008-09-09 ~ 2008-09-13.

  72. 于若蓉、辛炳隆,2008,〈原住民就業狀況與政策評估〉,發表於「台灣原住民社會變遷與政策評估研究計畫」發表會,臺北:中央研究院民族學研究所,2008-05-31。

  73. 于若蓉、李隆安, 2007, “Imputation of Non-ignorable Nonresponses for Panel Data: A Case Study of Panel Study of Family Dynamics”, paper presented at 第七屆「調查研究方法與應用」學術研討會, 臺北: 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心調查研究專題中心, 2007-09-07.

  74. 朱敬一、謝宇 、于若蓉, 2007, “Effects of Sibship Structure Revisited: Evidence from Intra-Family Resource Transfer in Taiwan”, paper presented at 第十一屆「經濟發展學術研討會 — 當前人力資源與經濟成長問題探討」, 臺北: 國立臺北大學經濟學系, 2007-04-20.

  75. 于若蓉、章英華、簡錦漢,2006,〈華人家庭動態資料庫:台灣與大陸訪問計畫介紹〉,發表於追蹤調查資料工作坊,臺北:中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心,2006-12-08。

  76. Yang, Meng-Li, Ruoh-Rong Yu, 2006, “Interviewer Effect in Taiwan Genomic Survey”, paper presented at 第六屆「調查研究方法與應用」國際學術研討會, 臺北: 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心調查研究專題中心, 2006-08-30 ~ 2006-08-31.

  77. Chu, C.Y. Cyrus, Yu Xie, Ruoh-Rong Yu, 2005, “Effects of Sibship Structure Revisited: Evidence from Intra-Family Resource Transfer in Taiwan”, paper presented at 2005 年「華人家庭動態資料庫」學術研討會, 臺北: 中央研究所經濟研究所, 2005-12-02 ~ 2005-12-03.

  78. Chu, C.Y. Cyrus, Ruey Tsay, Ruoh-Rong Yu, 2005, “Intergenerational Transmission of Sex-specific Differential Treatments: The Allocation of Education Resources among Siblings”, paper presented at 2005 年「華人家庭動態資料庫」學術研討會, 臺北: 中央研究所經濟研究所, 2005-12-02 ~ 2005-12-03.

  79. 于若蓉、章英華,2005,〈華人家庭動態資料庫:台灣訪問計畫〉,發表於2005 年「華人家庭動態資料庫」學術研討會,臺北:中央研究所經濟研究所,2005-12-02 ~ 2005-12-03。

  80. 朱敬一、謝宇、于若蓉, 2005, “Resource Theory Revisited: Gender Division of Housework in Taiwan”, paper presented at 第九屆「經濟發展學術研討會 - 生活品質問題探討」, 臺北: 國立臺北大學經濟學系, 2005-05-21.

  81. 于若蓉,2005,〈阿茲海默症基因預防藥物的願付金額: 受訪者對情境的瞭解〉,發表於「台灣基因意向之調查與研究」研討會,臺北:中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心,2005-04-08。

  82. 于若蓉、劉育昇,2004,〈工作團隊內的同儕效果:以台灣房屋仲介經紀業為例〉,發表於台灣經濟學會2004年年會,臺北:國立政治大學,2004-12-18。

  83. 于若蓉,2004,〈樣本流失與勞動參與:華人家庭動態資料庫的分析〉,發表於第五屆「調查研究方法與應用」研討會,臺北:中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心調查研究專題中心,2004-09-02 ~ 2004-09-04。

  84. Chu, C.Y. Cyrus, Ruoh-Rong Yu, Ruey Tsay, 2004, “A SSAD Model of Family Resource Allocation among Siblings: Competition, Forbearance, and Support”, paper presented at Research Committee 28 (RC28) on Social Stratification and Mobility, Switzerland: ISA, 2004-05-07 ~ 2004-05-09.

  85. 于若蓉,2004,〈台灣社會科學引文索引資料庫〉,發表於「引文分析與學術評鑑」研討會,臺北:國立政治大學圖書資訊與檔案學研究所,2004-05-07。

  86. 于若蓉、羅淇,2003,〈補習與升學機率:台灣的實證分析〉,發表於2003 年臺灣經濟學會年會,臺北:臺灣經濟學會,2003-12-31。

  1. 章英華、于若蓉、王文心、羅婉云、蘇脩惠,2017,〈中央政府調查與行政登記資料的開放:現況與展望〉,《人文與社會科學簡訊》,第19卷第1期,頁13-19。

  2. 羅婉云、章英華、于若蓉,2017,〈國外政府調查與行政資料庫範例-英國國家資料庫〉,《人文與社會科學簡訊》,第18卷第4期,頁145-155。

  3. 王文心、章英華、于若蓉,2017,〈政府調查與行政登記資料:統計數據與原始資料開放運用之現狀〉,《人文與社會科學簡訊》,第18卷第2期,頁194-207。

  4. 于若蓉,2012,〈固定樣本追蹤資料分析〉,《社會及行為科學研究法》,第三冊:資料分析,第7章(頁257-301),瞿海源、畢恆達、劉長萱、楊國樞主編,臺北:東華書局。

  5. 于若蓉,2007,〈自填問卷 — 郵寄問卷與網路調查〉,《調查研究方法》,頁 327-362,瞿海源主編,台北:三民書局。

  1. 于若蓉*、杜素豪,2021,《網路調查的注意力檢測、資料品質與完訪結果》,共31頁,科技部人文司委託。

  2. 于若蓉、杜素豪,2021,《混合模式調查的模式效應:2018 年家庭動態調查資料的分析》,共47頁,科技部人文司委託。

  3. 于若蓉,2019,《同居題項設計與受訪者應答行為》,共62頁,科技部人文及社會科學研究發展司委託。

  4. 于若蓉、張仁和,2018,《訪員事前預期與心理特質對面訪結果的影響》,共51頁,科技部人文及社會科學研究發展司委託。

  5. 于若蓉、謝淑惠、詹大千,2017,《門牌地址抽樣調查研究》,共81頁,科技部人文及社會科學研究發展司委託。

  6. 于若蓉、廖培珊、謝淑惠、王千文,2016,《「國民幸福指數調查暨主觀幸福感研究」期末報告》,共191頁,行政院主計總處委託。

  7. 于若蓉,2016,《所得無回應問題 --- 家庭動態調查資料的分析》,共35頁,科技部人文及社會科學研究發展司委託。

  8. 傅仰止、章英華、于若蓉,2016,《政府傳統調查資料以開放政府資料存於巨量資料中心:方法論問題及社會運用》,共152頁,科技部人文及社會科學研究發展司委託。

  9. 于若蓉、廖培珊、杜素豪、楊孟麗、謝淑惠、蔡明璋、王千文,2015,《「國民幸福指數調查暨主觀幸福感研究」期末報告》,共258頁,行政院主計總處委託。

  10. Chu, C.Y. Cyrus, Teyu Chou, Sheng-Cheng Hu, KamhonKan, P. C. Roger Cheng, Ming-Jen Lin, Pei-Ju Liao, Ruoh-Rong Yu, 2015, Top Income Shares in Taiwan, 1977-2013, 52 pages, commissioned by The Project of The World Top Incomes Database..

  11. 于若蓉、章英華,2014,《隱私保證、告知同意與訪問結果:面訪調查實驗研究》,共37頁,國科會人文處委託。

  12. 于若蓉、章英華、杜素豪、楊孟麗,2014,《調查資料串連加值與方法研究—臺灣社會變遷基本調查跨年資料串連》,共126頁,國科會人文處委託。

  13. 于若蓉,2012,《固定樣本追蹤調查中的拒訪與訪談品質》,共56頁,國科會人文處委託。

  14. 于若蓉、張苙雲、廖培珊、楊孟麗,2012,《臺灣地區基因體意向調查與資料庫建置之規畫(Ⅱ)》,共23頁,國科會人文處委託。

  15. 于若蓉、楊孟麗,2011,《訪員特質對樣本完訪與訪談品質的影響:華人家庭動態資料庫的分析》,國科會人文處委託。

  16. 于若蓉,2009,《臺灣婚姻市場中的婚姻利得》,國科會人文處委託。

  17. 于若蓉、辛炳隆,2008,《原住民就業狀況與政策分析》,中央研究院民族所「台灣原住民社會變遷與政策評估研究計畫」委託。

  18. 于若蓉、章英華,2007,《樣本流失問題:華人家庭動態資料庫的分析》,國科會人文處委託。

  19. 于若蓉、林季平,2006,《「人力資源擬追蹤調查資料庫」之擴增》,國科會社會科學研究中心委託。

  20. 于若蓉,2006,《勞動基準法對勞動市場的影響效果》,國科會人文處委託。

  21. 郭炳伸、曹添旺、于若蓉,2006,《臺灣經濟學期刊之再評比》,國科會人文處委託。

  22. 林季平、于若蓉,2005,《「人力資源擬追蹤調查資料庫」之建構》,國科會社會科學研究中心委託。

  23. 于若蓉,2005,《退休金對解雇機率的影響》,國科會人文處委託。

  24. 于若蓉,2004,《人力資源調查樣本是否具有代表性?樣本輪替制度的影響》,國科會人文處委託。

  25. 于若蓉,2000,《臺灣女性就業者的工作異動》,國科會人文處委託。

  26. 于若蓉,1999,《工作異動與工資變動:台灣的實證研究》,國科會人文處委託。

  27. 于若蓉,1998,《工資性別歧視對女性就業與工時的影響效果》,國科會人文處委託。

  28. 于若蓉,1997,《臺灣的婚姻市場: 嫁妝與聘金的決定》,國科會人文處委託。

  1. 于若蓉,1995,〈臺灣人力資源的實證研究 — 屬質與受限應變數模型之應用〉,共196頁,經濟學研究所博士班,國立臺灣大學。