



研究領域: 比較東亞社會、全球化、生活品質、社會指標

Email : mtsai304 at gate.sinica.edu.tw

電話 : 02-2789-8123, 02-2652-3357


  • 美國紐約州立大學,社會學,博士 (1989年 ~ 1992年)
  • 國立台灣大學,社會系,碩士 (1982年 ~ 1984年)
  • 國立台北大學,社會系,學士 (1978年 ~ 1982年)

  • 2023,Distinguished Quality-of-Life Researcher Award, International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies.
  • 2022,傑出特約研究員獎,科技部
  • 2021, Distinguished Service Award, International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies
  • 2021,入選Pioneers in Quality of Life Theory and Research,Applied Research in Quality of Life
  • 2018, Research Fellow Award, International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies
  • 2018,科技部特約研究計畫 (2018-2021)
  • 2015,科技部傑出研究獎 (2015-2017)
  • 2011,科技部傑出研究獎 (2011-2013)
  • 2010,教育部特殊優秀人才彈性薪資獎勵 (2010-2012)
  • 2008,科技部傑出學者研究計畫 (2008-2010)
  • 2000,科技部傑出研究獎 (2000-2001)
  • 1998,Fulbright訪問學者--美國加州大學Santa Barbara校區
  • 1994,國科會研究獎勵優等獎

  1. Ming-Chang Tsai*, Ssu-Chin Peng,accepted,〈Postmaterialism, Generational Replacement and Value Change: An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis of the US, Japan, Türkiye and China〉,《SOCIAL INDICATORS RESEARCH》。(SSCI) (IF: 3.1; SSCI ranking: 25.5%,21.5%)

  2. Tsai, Ming-Chang, Ting-Syuan Lin*,accepted,〈Precarious Work during the Transition to Adulthood: A Latent Profile Analysis of Taiwan’s Young People〉,《SOCIAL INDICATORS RESEARCH》。(SSCI) (IF: 3.1; SSCI ranking: 25.5%,21.5%)

  3. Tsai, Ming-Chang, Chin-Han Chan,accepted,〈Upward Transfer in Southeast China and Taiwan: Longitudinal Trends of a Family Ritual〉,《JOURNAL OF MARRIAGE AND FAMILY》。(SSCI) (IF: 6; SSCI ranking: 4.3%,4%)

  4. Ming-Chang Tsai*, Ssu-Chin Peng, Wen-Ben Kuo, 2023, “Singlehood and Childlessness: An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis of Changing Attitudes toward Family in Taiwan (2005-2020)”, Journal of Family Studies, 29, 853-874. (SSCI) (IF: 1.38; SSCI ranking: 72.9%)

  5. Ming-Chang Tsai, Rueyling Tzeng*,2022,〈Globalization and social distance: Multilevel analysis of attitudes toward immigrants in the European Union〉,《PLOS ONE》,17(10), e0274988。(SCIE) (IF: 3.752; SCI ranking: 39.2%)

  6. Ming-Chang Tsai*, Chin-Han Chan,2022,〈How Does the Young Generation Become More Cosmopolitan? Evidence from Taiwan〉,《Youth and Globalization》,4, 82-117。(Others)

  7. Ming-Chang Tsai*, Chin-Chun Yi,2022,〈Youths and Varieties of Globalism in Asia: an editorial introduction〉,《Youth and Globalization》,4, 1-9。(Others)

  8. Ming-Chang Tsai, Hsin-Hsin Pan*,2022,〈Protecting Farmers and Workers in Socialist Market Transitions: Mass Attitudes Toward Imports in Asia〉,《SAGE Open》,12(2), 1-14。(SSCI) (IF: 2.032; SSCI ranking: 47.3%)

  9. Zhenchao Qian*, Ming-Chang Tsai, 2022, “Relative Economic Position and Female Marriage Migration: Marrying Men in Taiwan across Borders and Boundaries”, Population Research and Policy Review, 41, 1451-1470. (SSCI) (IF: 1.899; SSCI ranking: 73.3%)

  10. 蔡明璋*、陳良瑋、詹智涵、蔡明樹,2022,〈快樂、自我與主修科系對受高等教育 人口成年初期的職位與收入之影響(Happiness, Self-evaluations, and Education: Effects on Status Achievement among Young Adults in Taiwan)〉,《人口學刊》,64, 51-100。(TSSCI)

  11. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2021, “Kin, Friend and Community Social Capital: Effects on Well-being and Prospective Life Conditions in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan”, Social Indicators Research, 154, 489-510. (SSCI) (IF: 2.935; SSCI ranking: 26.8%,30%)

  12. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2021, “Ming-Chang Tsai: A Pioneer in Comparative Quality of Life Research”, Applied Research in Quality of Life, 16, 2279-2282. (SSCI) (IF: 3.447; SSCI ranking: 20.5%)

  13. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2021, “The Global, the Local, and the Chinese: Vying Cultures in Taiwan”, Chinese Sociological Review, 53, 473-495. (SSCI) (IF: 3.667; SSCI ranking: 19.3%)

  14. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2021, “Will You (Still) Love Me Tomorrow: Pro-Americanism and the China Factor in Asia”, Asian Journal of Social Science, 49, 21-30. (SSCI) (IF: 0.694; SSCI ranking: 75%,86.6%)

  15. 蔡明璋、潘欣欣*,2021,〈臺灣民粹主義者與反菁英情緒:世界價值觀臺灣資料的分析〉,《台灣社會學刊》,69, 101-140。(TSSCI)

  16. Ruelying Tzeng, Ming-Chang Tsai*, 2020, “Good for the Common Good: Sociotropic Concern and Double Standards toward High- and Low-skilled Immigrants in Six Wealthy Countries”, Social Indicators Research, 152, 473-493. (SSCI) (IF: 2.935; SSCI ranking: 26.8%,30%)

  17. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2019, “The Good, the Bad, and the Ordinary: The Day-of-the-Week Effect on Mood across the Globe”, Journal of Happiness Studies, 20, 2101–2124. (SSCI) (IF: 4.087; SSCI ranking: 24.8%,16.1%)

  18. Ming-Chang Tsai, Ying-Ting Wang, 2019, “Intergenerational Exchange in East Asia: A New Look at Financial Transfers”, Comparative Sociology, 18, 173-203. (Scopus)

  19. Ming-Chang Tsai, Yow-Suen Sen, Yi-fu Chen, Tsui-o Tai, Hsiu-Jen Yeh, Chin-Hui Liao, 2018, “International Comparative Survey on Lifestyle and Values: A Report on the Taiwan Survey”, The Senshu Social Well-being Review, 5, 105-116.

  20. Ming-Chang Tsai, Tsui-o Tai, 2018, “How are mothers faring across the globe? Constructing a new Mothers' Well-being Index and assessing its validity”, Applied Research in Quality of Life, 13, 647-670. (SSCI) (IF: 3.447; SSCI ranking: 20.5%)

  21. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2018, “Social Indicators Movement and Human Agency—Comment on Land and Michalos”, Social Indicators Research, 135(3), 991-999. (SSCI) (IF: 2.935; SSCI ranking: 26.8%,30%)

  22. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2017, “Domestic Politics, Cultural Conflict and Global Exposure: Perceptions of International Organizations across Asia”, Pacific Focus, 32(3), 319-350. (SSCI) (IF: 0.6; SSCI ranking: 78.6%,91.7%)

  23. 葉崇揚、蔡明璋、呂建德,2017,〈臺灣民眾對社會福利的態度—體制評價、道德經濟、階級與世代的影響〉,《台灣民主季刊》,第14卷第2期,頁1-48。(TSSCI)

  24. Ming-Chang Tsai, Rachel Dwyer and Ruey-Ming Tsay, 2016, “Does Financial Assistance Really Assist? The Impact of Debt on Wellbeing, Health Behavior and Self-concept in Taiwan”, Social Indicators Research, 125(1), 127-147. (SSCI) (IF: 2.935; SSCI ranking: 26.8%,30%)

  25. Ming-Chang Tsai, Michio Nitta, Sang-Wook Kim, Wei-Dong Wang, 2016, “Working Overtime in East Asia: Convergence or Divergence?”, Journal of Contemporary Asia, 46(4), 700-722. (SSCI) (IF: 1.882; SSCI ranking: 19%)

  26. Ming-Chang Tsai, Zhenchao Qian, 2015, “Introduction to the Symposium of Manufacturing (Un)Happiness in East Asia: Work, Employment and Well-being”, Social Indicators Research, 121, 1-4. (SSCI) (IF: 2.935; SSCI ranking: 26.8%,30%)

  27. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2015, “Work Control, Commitment, and Contentment: South Korea and Taiwan”, Social Indicators Research, 121(1), 27-45. (SSCI) (IF: 2.935; SSCI ranking: 26.8%,30%)

  28. Christian Bjørnskov, Ming-Chang Tsai, 2015, “How Do Institutions Affect Happiness and Misery? A Tale of Two Tails”, Comparative Sociology, 14(3), 353-385.

  29. 蔡明璋,郭盛哲,2014,〈晚睡人口的非慣俗性、放鬆與人際關係〉,《社會科學論叢》,8(2), 37-80。

  30. Chun-Hao Li, Ming-Chang Tsai, 2014, “Is the Easy Life Always the Happiest? Examining the Association of Conveience and Well-Being in Taiwan”, Social Indicators Research, 117(3), 1-16. (SSCI) (IF: 2.935; SSCI ranking: 26.8%,30%)

  31. Ming-Chang Tsai, Rueyling Tzeng, 2014, “Beyond Economic Interests: Attitudes Toward Foreign Workers in Australia, the United States and East Asian Countries”, Sociological Research Online, 19(3), 93-103. (SSCI) (IF: 1.315; SSCI ranking: 72.7%)

  32. Ming-Chang Tsai, Kodjo Senah, 2014, “Food Security and Perceived Well-being among Household Heads in Ghana”, Applied Research in Quality of Life, 9(2), 255-272. (SSCI) (IF: 3.447; SSCI ranking: 20.5%)

  33. Ming-Chang Tsai, Noriko Iwai, 2013, “Global Exposure and Openness: Comparative Analysis of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan”, Comparative Sociology, 12, 301-329. (Scopus)

  34. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2013, “The Effect of Global Exposure on the Attitudes toward Tradition, Patriotism and Foreigners: Multilevel Analysis of Fourteen Asian Societies”, Globalizations, 10, 819-835. (SSCI) (IF: 2.407; SSCI ranking: 36.5%,41.1%)

  35. 蔡明璋,2013,〈台灣民眾的跨國經驗:2000-2010年的分析〉,《人文及社會科學集刊》,第25期,頁221-261。(TSSCI)

  36. Ming-Chang Tsai, Dan-Bright S. Dzorgbo, 2012, “Familial Reciprocity and Subjective Well-being in Ghana”, Journal of Marriage and Family, 74, 215-228. (SSCI) (IF: 4.917; SSCI ranking: 6.3%,9.3%)

  37. Ming-Chang Tsai, Heng-hao Chang, Wan-chi Chen, 2012, “Globally Happy: Individual Globalization, Expanded Capacities, and Subjective Wellbeing”, Social Indicators Research, 108(3), 1-16. (SSCI) (IF: 2.935; SSCI ranking: 26.8%,30%)

  38. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2012, “Narrating Neoliberal Transition: Rhetoric of the State in South Africa and Taiwan”, Comparative Sociology, 11, 251-273.

  39. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2012, “Rekindling Comparative Development Research: Market Society, Gender and State Rhetoric”, Comparative Sociology, 11, 155-159.

  40. 簡康妮、蔡明璋,2012,〈歡迎光臨?-族群政治、原生傾向與接受跨國移入人口的態度〉,《社會科學論叢》,第6卷第2期,頁101-138。

  41. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2011, “Foreign Brides Meet Ethnic Politics in Taiwan”, International Migration Review, 45, 243-268. (SSCI) (IF: 3.96; SSCI ranking: 26.7%)

  42. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2011, “If GDP Is Not the Answer, What Is the Question? The Juncture of Capabilities, Institutions and Measurement in the Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi Report”, Social Indicators Research, 102, 363-372. (SSCI) (IF: 2.935; SSCI ranking: 26.8%,30%)

  43. Ming-Chang Tsai, Leslie Laczko, Christian Bjørnskov, 2011, “Social Diversity, Institutions and Trust: A Cross-National Analysis”, Social Indicators Research, 101, 305-322. (SSCI) (IF: 2.935; SSCI ranking: 26.8%,30%)

  44. 蔡明璋,2011,〈從接觸到接受?婚姻移民支持態度的再檢視〉,《研究台灣》,第7期,頁1-23。

  45. Ming-Chang Tsai, Chin-Fen Chang, 2010, “China-Bound for Jobs? The Influences of Social Connections and Ethnic Politics in Taiwan”, The China Quarterly, 203, 639-655. (SSCI) (IF: 2.231; SSCI ranking: 13.1%)

  46. Ming-Chang Tsai, Richard P. Appelbaum, 2010, “Socio-Economic Differentials in Global Exposure: A Research Note on Taiwan”, Sociological Perspectives, 53, 593-599. (SSCI) (IF: 1.78; SSCI ranking: 58.7%)

  47. 蔡明璋、倪家欣,2010,〈臺灣貧窮家庭的社會支持:低收入戶樣本的分析〉,《研究台灣》,第6期,頁83-112。

  48. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2009, “Market Openness, Transition Economies and Subjective Wellbeing”, Journal of Happiness Studies, 10, 523-539. (SSCI) (IF: 4.087; SSCI ranking: 24.8%,16.1%)

  49. 蔡明璋,2008,〈台灣的貧窮問題與分配政策的進步方向〉,《主計月刊》,第635期,頁64-72。

  50. 鍾宜吟、蔡明璋,2008,〈婚前同居、婚姻價值與婚姻滿意度: 台灣民眾的分析〉,《研究台灣》,第5期,頁43-72。

  51. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2007, “Does Globalization Affect Human Well-being?”, Social Indicators Research, 81, 102-126. (SSCI) (IF: 2.935; SSCI ranking: 26.8%,30%)

  52. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2006, “Does Political Democracy Enhance Human Development in Developing Countries? A Cross-National Study”, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 65, 233-268. (SSCI) (IF: 1.103; SSCI ranking: 81.2%,79.3%)

  53. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2006, “Economic and Non-economic Determinants of Poverty in Developing Countries: Competing Theories and Empirical Evidence”, Canadian Journal of Development Studies-Revue Canadienne d etudes du Developpement, 27, 267-285. (SSCI) (IF: 2.22; SSCI ranking: 61.9%)

  54. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2006, “Macro-Structural Determinants of Political Freedom in Developing Countries: A Cross-National Analysis”, Social Indicators Research, 76, 317-340. (SSCI) (IF: 2.935; SSCI ranking: 26.8%,30%)

  55. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2006, “Sociable Resources and Close Relationships: Intimate Relatives and Friends in Taiwan”, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 23(1), 151-169. (SSCI) (IF: 2.681; SSCI ranking: 47.9%,31.3%,62.1%)

  56. 蔡明璋,2006,〈工作消失了嗎?-台灣就業安全的長期分析(1978-2004)〉,《政治大學社會學報》,第38期,頁89-110。

  57. 蔡明璋,2006,〈理事長演講:TSSCI社會學與公共影響力:新政策社會學的願景〉,《台灣社會學刊》,37, 1-31。(TSSCI)

  58. 蔡明璋,2005,〈台灣的新經濟:文獻的回顧與評述〉,《台灣社會學刊》,34, 211-247。(TSSCI)

  59. 蔡明璋,2004,〈台灣夫妻的家務工作時間:親密關係的影響〉,《台灣社會學》,第8期,頁99-131。(TSSCI)

  60. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2003, “Pathways to Crisis: Structural Liability, Global Contingency, and State-Business Relationships in the East Asian Economic Turmoil”, Comparative Sociology, 2, 297-320.

  61. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2002, “Taming a Leviathan: Geopolitics, State Power, and the Making of a Development Regime in Taiwan”, Canadian Journal of Development Studies-Revue Canadienne d etudes du Developpement, 23, 127-153. (SSCI) (IF: 2.22; SSCI ranking: 61.9%)

  62. 蔡明璋,2002,〈個人的全球性:台灣社會的經驗分析〉,《政治大學社會學報》,第33期,頁1-27。

  63. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2001, “Dependency, the State, and Class in Neoliberal Transition of Taiwan”, Third World Quarterly, 22, 359-379. (SSCI) (IF: 2.255; SSCI ranking: 59.5%)

  64. Ming-Chang Tsai, 1999, “Geopolitics, the State, and Political Economy of Growth in Taiwan”, Review of Radical Political Economics, 31(3), 101-109. (SSCI) (IF: 1; SSCI ranking: 83.8%)

  65. Ming-Chang Tsai, 1999, “State Power, State Embeddedness, and National Development in Less Developed Countries: A Cross-National Analysis”, Studies in Comparative International Development, 33(4), 66-88. (SSCI) (IF: 2.591; SSCI ranking: 47.6%,30.2%,34%)

  66. Ming-Chang Tsai, 1998, “The State’s Interest Seeking and Economic Stagnation in the Third World: Cross-National Evidence”, The Sociological Quarterly, 39,101-118. (SSCI) (IF: 1.315; SSCI ranking: 72.7%)

  67. 蔡明璋、陳嘉慧,1997,〈國家、外勞政策與市場實踐:經濟社會學的分析〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》,第27期,頁69-95。

  68. 蔡明璋,1996,〈資本依賴、外債危機與軍事化的限制:世界體系理論的解釋與跨國証據〉,《歐美研究》,第26卷第1期,頁1-34。

  69. 蔡明璋,1994,〈依賴、場整合與第三世界的經濟成長:1975-1990〉,《民族學研究所集刊》,第76期,頁169-195。

  70. 蔡明璋,1994,〈地區家庭收入的決定因素:區域階層化的初步分析〉,《人文及社會科學集刊》,第6卷第2期,頁231-256。

  71. 蔡明璋,1994,〈階級聯盟、命與後革命變遷:古巴與尼加拉瓜的比較〉,《歐美研究》,第24卷第3期,頁79-118。

  72. 蔡明璋,1993,〈國家活動的向度:跨國資料的因素分析〉,《中國社會學刊》,第17期,頁53-78。

  73. 蔡明璋,1992,〈台語流行歌曲的社會印象的分析〉,《社會學與社會工作》,9, 26-48。

  74. 蔡明璋,1991,〈青年學生的家庭背景與自我概念對主觀地位的影響〉,《中國社會學刊》,第15期,頁70-201。

  75. 蔡明璋,1990,〈大陸概念的社會建構:民眾與社會團體觀點的分析〉,《台灣大學社會學刊》,第20期,頁85-106。

  76. 蔡明璋,1989,〈社會主義的建構-馬克斯的整體革命理論〉,《思與言》,第27卷第3期,頁31-50。

  77. 蔡明璋,1989,〈自尊心與疏離感:自我理論的檢證〉,《法商學報》,第23期,頁179- 207。

  78. 蔡明璋,1988,〈省籍與政治激進態度:青年學生的研究〉,《中國社會學刊》,第12期,頁109-133。

  79. 蔡明璋,1988,〈青年學生政黨偏好的區別分析〉,《思與言》,第26卷第2期,頁1-22。

  80. 蔡明璋,1987,〈傳統台灣的社會經濟變遷:從封建主義到資本主義〉,《思與言》,第25卷第3期,頁13-24。

  81. 蔡明璋,1987,〈涂爾幹的人性論與衝突社會學〉,《中國社會學刊》,第11期,頁1-24。

  82. 蔡明璋,1987,〈近代中國的低度發展:世界體系中的核心政治的影響力的評估〉,《法商學報》,第22期,頁279-311。

  83. 蔡明璋,1986,〈台灣山地社會選舉參與之研究〉,《民族學研究所集刊》,第58期,頁153-192。

  84. 蔡明璋,1986,〈派森思的科學哲學、行動理論與秩序問題的解決〉,《思與言》,第23卷第5期,頁18-50。

  1. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2015, Global Exposure in East Asia, 195 pages, London, UK: Routledge. Reviewed in Contemporary Sociology, Asian Review of Books, Asian Ethnicity, Asian Journal of Social Science, 台灣社會學..

  2. 王宏仁、蔡明璋,2006,《台灣全志卷九社會志—社會階層篇》,共206頁,南投:國史館台灣文獻館。

  3. 蔡明璋,1996,《台灣的貧窮:下層階級的結構分析》,共213頁,台北:巨流。

  1. 蔡明璋、王盈婷*,accepted,〈臺灣民眾對外國人的社會距離感: 2008與2018年的分析〉,陳志柔、蔡明璋編,《全球化與國家認同》,中研院社會所。

  2. Ming-Chang Tsai*, Liang-Wei Chen, 2024, “When Economic Growth is Gone: The Global Generation and Disparities in Happiness in Taiwan”, editor(s): Jaeyeol Yee, Hiroo Harada, Masayuki Kanai, Social Well-Being, Development, and Multiple Modernities in Asia, pp. 139-155, Singapore: Springer Nature.

  3. Ming-Chang Tsai, Hsin-Hsin Pan,2024,〈Growth, redistribution, and populism in Asia〉,D. B. Subedi, Howard Brasted, Karin von Strokirch, Alan Scott編,《The Routledge Handbook of Populism in the Asia Pacific》,頁65-76,London:Routledge。

  4. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2023, “Landing a middle-class position: college degree, occupational status and income of young adults in Taiwan”, editor(s): Chin-Chun Yi, (Ming-Chang Tsai), Journey to Adulthood: East Asian Perspectives, pp. 126-151, London: Sage.

  5. Ming-Chang Tsai*, Chin-Chun Yi,2023,〈Transition to Adulthood in East Asia: Introduction〉,Chin-Chun Yi, (Ming-Chang Tsai)編,《Journey to Adulthood: East Asian Perspectives》,頁3-24,London:Sage。

  6. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2021, “Prospective well-being, relative income and tolerance of inequality in Japan”, editor(s): Alex C. Michalos, The Pope of Happiness - A Festschrift for Ruut Veenhoven, pp. 249-260, Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.

  7. Ruoh-Rong Yu*, Ming-Chang Tsai, 2021, “Retirement Timing and Post-retirement Employment in Taiwan”, editor(s): Xinxin Ma, Employment, Retirement and Lifestyle in Aging East Asia, pp. 257-281, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.

  8. Ming-Chang Tsai*, Noriko Iwai, 2020, “An Introduction to Quality of Life in Japan: Contemporary Approaches”, editor(s): Ming-Chang Tsai, Noriko Iwai, Quality of Life in Japan: Contemporary Perspectives on Happiness, pp. 3-14, Dordrecht: Springer.

  9. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2020, “Intimacy, Similarity, and Equality Among Married People in East Asia”, editor(s): Ming-Chang Tsai, Noriko Iwai, Quality of Life in Japan: Contemporary Perspectives on Happiness, pp. 171-192, Dordrecht: Springer.

  10. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2020, “Border Crossing and Interfacing in Asia: Approaches, Patterns and Consequences”, editor(s): Ino Rossi, Challenges of Globalization and Prospects for an Inter-civilizational World Order, pp. 589-604, Dordrecht: Springer.

  11. Ming-Chang Tsai, Wen-Shan Yang, 2017, “Familial Exchange and Intergenerational Contact in East Asian Societies”, editor(s): Ming-Chang Tsai, Wan-chi Chen, Family, Work and Wellbeing in Asia, pp. 21-42, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.

  12. Ming-Chang Tsai, Wan-chi Chen, 2017, “The Family-Work Nexus and Wellbeing in Asia: An Introduction”, editor(s): Ming-Chang Tsai, Wan-chi Chen, Family, Work and Wellbeing in Asia, pp. 3-17, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.

  13. Ming-Chang Tsai, Seio Nakajima, 2016, “Imagining America: The Origins of Japanese Public Opinion toward the United States in the Cold War”, editor(s): Yoneyuki Sugita, Modern Japan: Social Commentary on State and Society, pp. 117-139, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.

  14. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2015, “Happiness and Sociability in a Nonrecursive Model: The US and Taiwan Compared”, editor(s): Filomena Maggino, A Life Devoted to Quality of Life - Festschrift in Honor of Alex C. Michalos, pp. 297-314, The Netherlands: Springer.

  15. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2014, “Exchange Theory”, editor(s): Alex C. Michalos, Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research, pp. 2062-2064, Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

  16. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2014, “Globalization and Wellbeing”, editor(s): Alex C. Michalos, Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research, pp. 2753-2756, Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

  17. Ming-Chang Tsai, Gang-Hua Fan, Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao, Hong-Zen Wang, 2014, “Profiling the Middle Class in Taiwan today”, editor(s): Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao, Milton Park, Chinese Middle Classes: Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and China, pp. 17-35, Abington: Routledge.

  18. 蔡明璋,2012,〈中産階級はグローバル化の担い手か?―世界社会論からのアプローチ〉,園田茂人編,《勃興する東アジアの中産階級》,頁117-144,東京:勁草書房。

  19. 蔡明璋,2012,〈工作價值、成功條件與公平:臺灣民眾的長期分析, 1985~2005:社會階層與勞動市場篇〉,謝雨生、傅仰止編,《台灣的社會變遷1985~2005:社會階層與勞動市場》,頁165-215,台北:中研院社會所。

  20. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2010, “Evaluating Sociologists in Taiwan : Power, Profession and Passersby”, editor(s): Sujata Patel, The International Handbook on Diverse Sociological Traditions, pp. 313-323, London: Sage.

  21. 蔡明璋,2010,〈台灣與世界:「接」與「結」的歷史〉,黃金麟、汪宏倫、黃崇憲編,《帝國邊緣:台灣現代性的考察》,頁63-100,台北:群學。

  22. 蔡明璋,2010,〈階級已死?台灣的中產階級的價值與行為〉,王宏仁、龔宜君編,《台灣的社會學想像》,頁69-95,台北:巨流。

  23. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2009, “The Impact of Instability on Subjective Well-being: A Cross-National Study”, editor(s): Valerie Moller, Denis Huschka, Quality of Life and the Millennium Challenge: Advances in Quality-of-Life Studies, Theory and Research, pp. 101-114, Netherlands: Springer.

  24. 蔡明璋,2009,〈經濟與工作〉,王振寰、瞿海源編,《社會學與台灣社會》,頁289-315,台北:巨流。

  25. 蔡明璋、曾瑞鈴,2008,〈20年來兩岸社會交流〉,游盈隆編,《近二十年兩岸關係的發展與變遷》,頁269-295,台北:財團法人海峽交流基金會。

  26. 蔡明璋、王宏仁,2005,〈農民、勞工與中產階級:流汗打拼為將來〉,王振寰、章英華編,《凝聚台灣生命力》,頁1-22,台北:巨流。

  27. 蔡明璋,2003,〈經濟與工作〉,王振寰、瞿海源編,《社會學與台灣社會》,頁359-392,台北:巨流。

  28. 蔡明璋,2001,〈台灣新自由主義轉型的政治分析〉,張維安編,《台灣的企業組織結構與競爭力》,頁357-389,台北:聯經。

  29. 蔡明璋,1995,〈產業結構與台灣的區域貧窮率:William Wilson理論的檢証〉,林松齡、王振寰編,《台灣社會研究的回顧與前瞻論文集》,頁103-128,台中:東海大學社會系。

  30. 蔡明璋,1995,〈社會階層與物價膨脹:美國與台灣的比較〉,張晉芬、曾瑞鈴編,《美國與台灣社會結構研究》,頁1-29,台北:中央研究院歐美研究所。

  1. Ming-Chang Tsai, Seio Nakajima, 2015, “Imagining America: Public Opinions toward the United States among the Japanese Population in the Cold War”, paper presented at Legacies of World War, Osaka, Japan: Osaka University, 2015-03-19 ~ 2015-03-21.

  2. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2015, “Happiness and Relational Goods: Exploring Nonrecursive Causality with Data from the US and Taiwan”, paper presented at The 4th annual international conference on cognitive and behavioral psychology, Singapore: Global Science and Technology Forum, 2015-02-09 ~ 2015-02-10.

  3. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2014, “Sociability, capacity and activism: How Important are non--‐income factors in happiness among Taiwan people?”, paper presented at The international Society for Quality of life Studies 2014 Conference, Berlin, Germany: International Society for Quality of life Studies, 2014-09-15 ~ 2014-09-18.

  4. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2014, “Exchange and Life Satisfaction: Intergenerational Reciprocations in East Asia”, paper presented at ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, Japan: ISA, 2014-07-13 ~ 2014-07-19.

  5. Ming-Chang Tsai, Noriko Iwai, 2013, “Global Exposure and Openness: Comparative Analysis of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan”, paper presented at 2013 ASA Annual Meeting, New York: American Sociological Association, 2013-08-10 ~ 2013-08-13.

  6. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2012, “Overtime's impact on well-being in four East Asia societies”, paper presented at ISA Forum of Sociology, Buenos Aires, Argentina: ISA, 2012-08-01 ~ 2012-08-04.

  1. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2019, “Fairness and the Perceived Economic Condition of Family in Asian Societies”, Social Indicators Network News, 139, 1-2.

  2. Ming-Chang Tsai, 2016, “Do Young People Have A Set Point Of Happiness? Panel Evidence From The Taiwan”, Social Indicators Network News, 126, 1-4.

  1. Chin-Chun Yi, Ming-Chang Tsai, 2023, Journey to Adulthood: East Asian Perspectives, 400 pages, London: Sage.

  2. Ming-Chang Tsai, Noriko Iwai, 2020, Quality of Life in Japan: Contemporary Perspectives on Happiness, 217 pages, Dordrecht: Springer.

  3. Ming-Chang Tsai, Wan-chi Chen, 2017, Family, Work and Wellbeing in Asia, 213 pages, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.

  1. 蔡明璋,2024,〈快樂的社會科學:我們所知的與應知的〉,《幸福感。經濟新潮社出版專書》,專書, 11-18。