郭佩棻 副教授 (國立成功大學測量及空間資訊學系) 【GIScience 專題演講】多時空角度的交通需求預測 (multi-scale spatio-temporal prediction of transportation demand) 2024/05/07
Professor Wei-Hsin Yu (喻維欣) / Department of Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles 【專題演講】Effects of Siblings on Cognitive and Sociobehavioral Development(5/6) 2024/05/06 14:00
Professor Ching-Yun Wang(王清雲教授) 【專題演講】Robust Best Linear Weighted Estimator with Missing Covariates in Survival Analysis(3/21) 2024/03/21 14:00
吳漢銘 副教授 【專題演講】Exploratory Data Analysis Based on Matrix Visualization(3/13) 2024/03/13 14:00 ~ 2024/03/13 15:30