2023 跨界與流動系列講座:「Taking Territory Seriously in a Fluid, Topologically Varied World: Reflections in the wake of the populist turn and the COVID-19 pandemic」/ Dr. Alexander Murphy(奧勒岡大學地理系教授、歐洲科學院院士) 2023/09/15
Nattavudh (Nick) Powdthavee (Professor of Economics, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) New Insights about Human Well-Being from Subjective Well-Being Data 2023/09/12 14:00
閻姿慧 / 陽明交通大學運輸與物流管理學系副教授 *Property Value Uplift from Public Transport: Spatial Patterning and Options for ‘Value Capture’ Financing 2023/09/01 14:00
楊奕祐 / 真理大學經濟學系教授 Firm-Quasi-Stability and Re-Equilibration in Matching Markets with Contracts 2023/08/18 14:00
Philipp Boeing / ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research, Department for Economics of Innovation and Industrial Dynamics Misappropriation of R&D Subsidies: Estimating Treatment Effects with One-sided Noncompliance 2023/08/15 14:00
鄒季洋 / Assistant professor, Division of Accounting and Finance, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester Pollution Abatement Investment under Financial Frictions and Policy Uncertainty 2023/08/04 14:00
2023亞太新視域-亞太社會變遷系列演講:「Inclusion as Spectacle: Celebrating Disability in the Singapore Nation」/ Kuansong Victor ZHUANG博士 2023/06/29