研究領域: 政治哲學、儒家政治哲學、香港研究
Joseph Chan, accepted, “What is Wrong with Social Inequality?””, Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy.
陳祖為,2023,〈再思儒家政治致善主義:回答陳成斌、王邦華、余正昕與朱耘廷、梁奮程〉,《鵝湖》,575, 57-64。
Brian Wong, Joseph Chan, 2022, “How Should Liberal Democratic Governments Treat Conscientious Disobedience as A Response to State Injustice? A Proposal”, Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement, 91, 141-167.
Joseph Chan, 2022, “Is Democracy Coming to Knock on China’s Door? A Reply to Jiwei Ci’s Democracy in China”, Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, 21, 451-466.
陳祖為,2022,〈儒家思想如何在現代社會中開展及實踐:從余英時對儒學的反思開始〉,《思想》,45, 223-246。
Joseph Chan, 2021, “Equality, Friendship, and Politics”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 121(3), 275-298.
Joseph Chan, 2019, “Public Reason Confucianism without Foundation?”, JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY, 50(2), 134-144.
Joseph Chan, 2018, “Freedom, the Good, and China’s Moral Crisis”, Philosophy East and West, 68(2), 583-589.
Joseph Chan, 2017, “Confucian Perfectionism: A Response to Kim, Angle, Wong, Li, Chiu, and Ames”, Philosophy East and West, 67(1), 82-95.
Elaine Chan, Joseph Chan, 2017, “Hong Kong 2007-2017: A Backlash in Civil Society”, Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration, 39(2), 135-152.
Joseph Chan, 2015, “Reply to Ci Jiwei”, Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, 14(4), 589-591.
Elaine Chan, Joseph Chan, 2014, “Liberal Patriotism in Hong Kong”, JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY CHINA, 23(89), 952-970.
Joseph Chan, 2014, “‘Self-Restriction’ and the Confucian Case for Democracy”, Philosophy East and West, 64(3), 785-795.
Joseph Chan, 2012, “Political Authority and Perfectionism: A Response to Quong”, Philosophy & Public Issues, 2(1), 31-41.
Joseph Chan, 2010, “Concerns beyond the Family”, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS, 10(4), 82-84.
Joseph Chan, 2007, “Democracy and Meritocracy: Toward a Confucian Perspective”, JOURNAL OF CHINESE PHILOSOPHY, 34(2), 179-193.
Elaine Chan, Joseph Chan, 2007, “The First Ten Years of HKSAR: Civil Society Comes of Age”, The Asian Pacific Journal of Public Administration, 29(1), 77-99.
Joseph Chan, Elaine Chan, 2006, “Charting the State of Social Cohesion in Hong Kong”, The China Quarterly, 187, 635-658.
Joseph Chan, Elaine Chan, 2006, “Perceptions of Universal Suffrage and Functional Representation in Hong Kong: A Confused Public?”, ASIAN SURVEY, 46(2), 257-274.
Joseph Chan, Ho-Pong To, Elaine Chan, 2006, “Reconsidering Social Cohesion: Developing a Definition and Analytical Framework for Empirical Research”, SOCIAL INDICATORS RESEARCH, 75(2), 273-302.
Joseph Chan, 2002, “Moral Autonomy, Civil Liberties, and Confucianism”, Philosophy East and West, 52(3), 281-310.
Joseph Chan, 2000, “Human Rights and Confucian Virtues”, Harvard Asia Quarterly, 4(3), 51-54.
Joseph Chan, 2000, “Legitimacy, Unanimity, and Perfectionism”, Philosophy and Public Affairs, 29(1), 5-43.
Joseph Chan, 1997, “‘Asian Values’ and Human Rights: An Alternative View”, JOURNAL OF DEMOCRACY, 8(2), 35-48.
Joseph Chan, 1996, “The Task for Asians: To Discover Their Own Political Morality for Human Rights”, Human Rights Dialogue, 4, 5-6.
Joseph Chan, 1995, “Raz on Liberal Rights and Common Goods”, OXFORD JOURNAL OF LEGAL STUDIES, 15(1), 15-31.
Joseph Chan, 1992, “Does Aristotle’s Political Theory Rest on a ‘Blunder’?”, HISTORY OF POLITICAL THOUGHT, 13(2), 189-202.
Joseph Chan, David Miller, 1991, “Elster on Self-realization in Politics”, ETHICS, 102(1), 96-102.
Joseph Chan, 2014, Confucian Perfectionism: A Political Philosophy for Modern Times, 272 pages, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Eliza Lee, Elaine Chan, Joseph Chan, Peter Cheung, Wai Fung Lam, Wai-man Lam, 2013, Public Policymaking in Hong Kong: Civic Engagement and State-Society Relations in a Semi-Democracy, 168 pages, London: Routledge.
Joseph Chan, accepted, “Are There Rights in Confucian Relationships?”, editor(s): Margaret Gilbert, Jeffrey Helmreich, and Gopal Screenivasan, Palgrave Handbook on the Philosophy of Rights, Palgrave.
Joseph Chan, accepted, “Confucian Perspectives on Good Governance and Regime Type: Historical Choices and Their Contemporary Legacy”, editor(s): Nikolas Kirby, What is Good Government? The Philosophy of Office, Institutions and Administration, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Joseph Chan, accepted, “The Priority of Virtue Over the Law (fa) in Early Confucianism”, editor(s): Albert Chen and Xingzhong Yu, Research Handbook on Chinese Legal Thought, Edward Elgar.
Joseph Chan, accepted, “Monarchy, Meritocracy, or Democracy? Confucian Historical Choices and Their Contemporary Legacy”, editor(s): Nikolas Kirby, What is Good Government? The Philosophy of Office, Institutions and Administration.
Joseph Chan, Franz Mang, 2020, “Is Popular Sovereignty a Useful Myth?”, editor(s): Melissa S. Williams, Deparochializing Political Theory, pp. 149-173, New York: Cambridge University Press.
Joseph Chan, Elaine Chan, 2018, “Social Cohesion with Asian Characteristics? Conceptual and Methodological Reflections”, editor(s): Bertelsmann Stiftung, What Holds Asian Societies Together? Insights from the Social Cohesion Radar, pp. 149-168, Gutersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung.
Melissa S. Williams, Joseph Chan, Doh Chull Shin, 2016, “Political Legitimacy in East Asia: Bridging Normative and Empirical Analysis”, editor(s): (Joseph Chan), Doh Chull Shin, Melissa S. Williams, East Asian Perspectives on Political Legitimacy: Bridging the Empirical-Normative Divide, pp. 1-24, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Joseph Chan, Elton Chan, 2014, “Confucianism”, editor(s): Paul ‘t Hart, R.A.W. Rhodes, Oxford Handbook of Political Leadership, pp. 57-71, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Joseph Chan, translated by Edmund Ryden, 2013, “On the Legitimacy of Confucian Constitutionalism”, editor(s): Daniel A. Bell, Ruiping Fan, A Confucian Constitutional Order: How China’s Ancient Past Can Shape Its Political Future, pp. 99-112, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Joseph Chan, 2013, “Political Meritocracy and Meritorious Rule: A Confucian Perspective”, editor(s): Daniel A. Bell, Chenyang Li, The East Asian Challenge for Democracy: Political Meritocracy in Comparative Perspective, pp. 31-54, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Joseph Chan, 2012, “Confucianism and Human Rights”, editor(s): John Witte Jr., M. Christian Green, Religion and Human Rights: An Introduction, pp. 87-102, New York: Oxford University Press.
Elaine Chan, Joseph Chan, 2012, “Social Cohesion in a Semi-Democracy: The Case of Hong Kong”, editor(s): Paul Spoonley, Erin Tolley, Diverse Nations, Diverse Responses: Approaches to Social Cohesion in Immigrant Societies, pp. 215-235, Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Joseph Chan, Elaine Chan, 2010, “Social Auditing”, editor(s): Helmut Anheier, Stefan Toepler, International Encyclopedia of Civil Society, pp. 1384-1388, Arlington, VA: Springer.
Elaine Chan, Joseph Chan, 2009, “Social Cohesion and Governance Problems in the Tung Chee-hwa Era”, editor(s): Ming Sing, Politics and Government in Hong Kong: Crisis Under Chinese Sovereignty, pp. 85-111, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
Joseph Chan, 2008, “Is There a Confucian Perspective on Social Justice”, editor(s): Takashi Shogimen, Cary J. Nederman, Western Political Thought in Dialogue with Asia, pp. 261-277, Lanhan MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Joseph Chan, 2007, “The Just and The Good: Comments on Nussbaum’s Capabilities Approach”, editor(s): Martha C. Nussbaum, (Joseph Chan), Joe Lau, Ci Jiwei, The Ethics and Politics of Compassion and Capabilities: Hoechelaga Lectures 2005, pp. 59-67, Hong Kong: Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong.
Joseph Chan, 2006, “Prendre en compte la diversité culturelle dans les droits de l’homme: Commentaire”(Accommodating Cultural Diversity Within Human Rights: A Comment), editor(s): UNESCO, Droits humains et Droit international: Fondements et Universalité, pp. 57-75, Paris: UNESCO.
Joseph Chan, 2005, “Confucianism and Human Rights”, editor(s): Rhona K.M. Smith, Christien van den Anker, The Essentials of Human Rights, pp. 55-57, London: Hodder Arnold.
Joseph Chan, 2005, “The Nature and Problems of Governance in Hong Kong”, editor(s): S.M. Chiu, When Church Meets Politics: Theological Reflection on Political Praxis, pp. 69-84, Hong Kong: Logos Publishers and Bible Seminary of Hong Kong.
Joseph Chan, 2004, “Exploring the Non-familial in Confucian Political Philosophy”, editor(s): Hahm Chaihark, Daniel A. Bell, The Politics of Affective Relations: East Asia and Beyond, pp. 61-74, New York: Lexington Books, Rowman and Littlefield.
Joseph Chan, 2003, “Confucian Attitudes Toward Ethical Pluralism”, editor(s): Richard Madsen, Tracy B. Strong, The Many and the One: Religious and Secular Perspectives on Ethical Pluralism in the Modern World, pp. 129-153, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Joseph Chan, 2003, “Giving Priority to the Worst Off: A Confucian Perspective on Social Welfare”, editor(s): Daniel Bell, Chaibong Hahm, Confucianism for the Modern World, pp. 236-253, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Joseph Chan, 2002, “Political Perfectionism and Disagreement”, editor(s): 蔡英文、江宜樺, 現代性與中國社會文化, pp. 293-319, 台北: 新台灣人文教基金會.
Joseph Chan, 2001, “Territorial Boundaries and Confucianism”, editor(s): David Miller, Sohail Hashmi, Boundaries and Justice: Diverse Ethical Perspectives, pp. 89-111, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Joseph Chan, 2000, “Thick and Thin Accounts of Human Rights: Lessons from the Asian Values Debate”, editor(s): Michael Jacobsen, Ole Bruun, Human Rights and Asian Values: Contesting National Identities and Cultural Representations in Asia, pp. 59-74, Surrey: Curzon Press.
Joseph Chan, 1999, “A Confucian Perspective on Human Rights for Contemporary China”, editor(s): Joanne R. Bauer, Daniel A. Bell, The East Asian Challenge for Human Rights, pp. 212-237, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Joseph Chan, 1997, “A New Introduction to Contemporary Western Political Philosophy: On the Evolution of the Concepts of Justice, Freedom, and Democracy”, editor(s): Joseph Y.S. Cheng, Kam Yee Law, New Perspective on Political Science: Western Theories and Chinese Experiences, pp. 89-106, Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press.
Joseph Chan, 1995, “The Asian Challenge to Universal Human Rights: A Philosophical Perspective”, editor(s): James T.H. Tang, Human Rights and International Relations in the Asia-Pacific Region, pp. 25-38, London: Pinter.
Joseph Chan, 1993, “The Political Theory of Pope John Paul II”, editor(s): Beatrice Leung, John D. Young, Christianity in China: Foundations for Dialogue, pp. 101-121, Hong Kong: Centre of Asian Studies, The University of Hong Kong.
Joseph Chan, 1991, “What is Politics?”, editor(s): Joseph Kaung, Ina Lau, Politics and the Christian, pp. 14-29, Hong Kong: Chung Chi College Theology Division.
Joseph Chan, 1986, “Two Conceptions of Citizenship in the History of Western Political Philosophy”, editor(s): Peter Tze, Daniel Wong, Citizenship and Civic Education--from the Perspective of Christian Faith and Practice, pp. 12-35, Hong Kong: Chung Chi College Theology Division.
Joseph Chan, 2023, “What is Wrong with Social Inequality?”, paper presented at The Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy Workshop, Tucson, Arizona: Arizona University, 2023-10-19 ~ 2023-10-21.
Joseph Chan, 2023, “Regime Legitimacy in an ideologically divisive world: The case of China”, paper presented at The Political Economy, Global Order and World Development International Conference, Taipei: The Taipei School of Economic and Political Science, 2023-05-05 ~ 2023-05-06.
Franz Mang, Joseph Chan, 2022, “Perfectionism”, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics.
Joseph Chan, 2010, “Political Perfectionism”, Encyclopedia of Political Theory.
Joseph Chan, 2006, “Confucian Political Philosophy”, Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Joseph Chan, 2001, “Authority”, Encyclopedia of Democratic Thought.
Joseph Chan, 2001, “Making Sense of Confucian Justice”, Polylog: Forum for Intercultural Philosophizing.
Joseph Chan, Doh Chull Shin, and Melissa S. Williams, 2016, East Asian Perspectives on Political Legitimacy: Bridging the Empirical-Normative Divide, 267 pages, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.