Annealing: Personalities\, Projects and Revolutions in Burma/Min Ye Paing Hein(美國威斯康辛大學社會系博士生) 2011/07/05
Social Networks\, Social Movements: Three Historical Case Studies/G lenn May(美國奧勒岡大學歷史學系教授) 2011/06/03
Coping with Daily Life in Myanmar: Strategies and Implications/Arde th Maung Thawnghmung(美國麻州大學羅威爾分校政治系副教授) 2011/05/10
Preserving Stereotypes Forever: Cross-cultural Representations of Chinese Identity in the Body Worlds Exhibits (人體奧妙展覽等類) and Beyond/Prof. La rrisa Heinrich (University of California) : 2011/05/05