Theories of Migration: What Can Scholars Learn from the Taiwan Case ? / Prof. Suzanne Model (University of Toronto\, Canada) 2011/04/27
Trading Germs: The Third Plague Pandemic and the New Liberal Consen sus in International Public Health/Prof. Mark Harrison (University of Oxfo rd) : 2011/03/28
Configurational Dialectics of Politics and Cultural Identity in the Polynesian Kingdom of Tonga/Prof. Paul van der Grijp(Director\, Anthropolo gical Research and Studies Center\, Université Lumière - Lyon 2\, France) 2011/03/11
Tests of Marginal Homogeneity and Multiple Marginal Independence fo r Choose-at-Most-k-Items Questions/江振東博士(政大統計系副教授) 2011/02/24